Our Journey Begins

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I was awoken by the dwarves as they packed up to leave.
It turns out that Bilbo will not be coming...at this moment in time.

Looking up at the sky I could see that it was early sunrise. The sun just peeking from the other side of the hill.

I quietly follow behind them, and run to the end stables where their ponies were.

"Good morning my friend" I greeted Hades who hugged and nudged my shoulder with his head in reply.

"Woah!" I heard someone mutter behind me.

Turning I saw the youngest dwarf staring up at Hades.

"A black unicorn!" He grinned, I smiled at the dwarf who was in awe of my mount. I could feel eyes on me, and turned to see Thorin glaring at me.

With a sigh, I double checked my stuff and helped sort the ponies out.

-Time Skip brought to you by Smaug 🐉-

It was mid morning when we finally set off, all in single fill trailing down into the forest and out of the Shire.

"Wait!" A voice could be heard in the distance.

A familiar one that made me smirk under my hood.


We all came to a stop when Bilbo came running up.

"I signed it" he grinned and presented a parchment of paper to Balin.

Balin checked it over before smiling.
"Everything seems to be in order, welcome master Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshield"

Thorin did not look pleased that he showed up but begrudgingly stated,
"Give him a pony"

Automatically Bilbo started to deny that he needed one, so I decided to help.

"Don't worry, he can ride with me!" I grinned and hoisted him up and in front of me.

"Thank you" he smiled

Suddenly the dwarves started to throw bags of coins to each other and Gandalf came up to ride beside us.

"What's going on" He asked the old wizard.

"Hm oh the all took bets to see whether you'd turn up"

"And what did you think" Gandalf made a face before he caught a bag of coins.

"I never doubted you for a second"

We continued riding for fifteen minutes before Bilbo started to sneeze and fumble round his pockets.

"Ugh all this horse hair!...Wait! Stop! We have to go back!" He shouted, making everyone stop.

"My dear Bilbo whatever is the matter?" Gandalf asked.

"I've forgotten my handkerchief" he huffs and Bofur tears a piece of his top and throws it at him.

"Here, use this!" All the dwarves laughed and Thorin made everyone continue.

Bilbo seemed disgusted so I ruffled through my bags and pulled out a piece of smooth cloth.

"Here" I smiled as he took it gracefully.

"Thank you!" He seemed relieved.

'This is going to be one hell of a long journey' I mentally huffed

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