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I leant against the wall as Bilbo was about to tuck into his dinner.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

I went to answer but he stopped me. "Don't worry, I'll get it" he smiled walking to the door.

I couldn't see who it was when he opened it, but I knew it was one of the dwarves.

"Dwalin, at your service" Bilbo seemed baffled but answered nonetheless.

"Bilbo Baggins at yours" Dwalin pushes his way in and took off his coat.

"I'm sorry do we know each other?" Bilbo questioned, wondering why another random person walked into his house.

"No, which way is it laddie?" The dwarf asked, "which way is what?" I knew he was talking about the food, mainly cause he's a dwarf.

"The food, he said there'd be plenty of it" Dwalin disappeared down the corridor to the dinning room. With Bilbo following.

"He said, who said?"

I quickly went into the kitchen, hoping to be unnoticed by the dwarf.

From a distance I watch Dwalin scoff down Bilbo's dinner like the greedy being he is!

He even bit the head off the fish, that's disgusting and I've seen guts being spilt.

"Very good this, got any more" poor Bilbo offered him the plate of bread rolls, not before taking one for himself quickly.

"See the thing is, I wasn't expecting company" just as he said that, the doorbell rung again.

"That'll be the door" yes, well done captain obvious.

Bilbo hurried over to the door, as Dwalin made his way to the cookie jar.

{A/n: Oh my goodness, it was Dwalin who stole the cookie from the cookie jar!}

I soon learn't that it was Balin at the door. I had met him once, traveling.

I asked him to watch Hades for a second whilst I got my swords sharpened, since there was no where to put him.

He happily agreed and conversed with me afterwards. Not judging me at all, considering he was a dwarf, he accepted me as a warrior.

Both dwarves began to rummaged through the pantry, filling up their mugs with ale.

"It's not that I don't like visitors, I like visitors as much as the next Hobbit, but I do like to know them before they come visiting, I just had to speak my mind, I am sorry" both of them turned round to face Bilbo who had been trying to get there attention.

I thought that Bilbo would know about the meeting, that's why we were meeting here.

I couldn't help but feel bad for the little Hobbit.

"Apology accepted"

I chuckled a little bit. Still unseen by the dwarves thank goodness.

Suddenly the doorbell went again.

This time it was two dwarves, brothers most likely, good looking for their kind.

"Fili", stated the blonde one, "and Kili" finished the dark haired one.
"At your service" they both bowed.

"You must be mister Boggins!" Kili grinned, I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. Teen dwarves, who don't listen!

"Nope, you've come to the wrong house!" Bilbo tried to shut the door, but Kili stopped it.

"What? Has it been cancelled?" He questioned, "no one told us" Fili finished.

"No nothing's been cancelled" Bilbo answered confusedly.

"That's a relief" Kili grinned as they both walked into the house.

Fili handed him the some sheathed daggers telling him to be careful as they had just been sharpened.

"It's nice this place, do it you're self?" Kili had started to scrape the dirt off his shoes on a wooden box.

Bilbo panicked saying it was his mother's and that the house had been passed down generations.

Soon both of them were recruited to help the other two bring the table out into the corridor.

And the door bell rung again.

"No there's nobody home!" Bilbo shouted, throwing the weapons down, "go away and bother someone else, there's far to many dwarves in my dinning room as it is, if this is some clot-heads idea of a joke, haha, I can only say it is in very poor taste!" When he opened the door, eight dwarves fell through, Bilbo suddenly looked up and sighed.


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