Bilbo Baggins

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(Y/n)'s POV

I awoke to another day, the sun had not yet arisen but I would only be a matter of hours.

Remember Gandalf's invitation, I jumped out of bed and got ready.

Remember Gandalf's invitation, I jumped out of bed and got ready

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{You can change whatever you like}

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{You can change whatever you like}

Once I made sure I had all my weapons, I ran down to the stables were my trusted ride was waiting.

"Hades! My good friend, come now let's get you ready for our long journey!"

He whinnied in return.

Hades is my ebony black unicorn.

The rarest of all, strong and faster compared to normal horses

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The rarest of all, strong and faster compared to normal horses.

The ride to the Shire is not far, for me anyway.

Shouldn't take more than 18 hours, with no breaks.

Luckily Hades hasn't been out for a long time, so this will help with his built up of adrenaline.

Saddling him, I packed all of what I would need and set off.

Riding through the peaceful lands of Middle Earth.
The air is fresh early in the morning, with the earthly smell of the dew on the grass.

I could already tell that the journey would be a pleasant one.

"Might I ask where we are in a hurry too?"
Hades spoke in my head.

Reached out my hand I ran my fingers through his mane.

"The Shire, we must be there before the sun shines its last for today!" I replied, his response was increasing his speed, galloping through the woods and plains.

-Time skip brought to you by Lord Elrond-

The sun was setting by the time I arrived at the border of the Shire.

I saw an abandoned shed, and decided to keep Hades there, so he would be at least comfortable whilst I take part in the meeting.

Once he was all untacked and settled, found my way around.

Not long ago I received a msg from Gandalf in my mind.

"Look for the mark"

Wandering around, I soon came to a beautiful home, with a green round door, and a mark glowing blue.

Knocking, not obnoxiously, I awaited for someone to answer.

It didn't take long for the door to swing open. Bending down slight I came face to face with a Hobbit, whom I assumed to be Bilbo.

He was currently dressed in an apron and the smell of fish hit my senses.

"Can I help you?" He said after awhile.

"Oh right sorry, where are my manners, my name is (Y/n), I was told to come here and I think your dinner is burning" I caught the smell of something burning.

Bilbo looked at me strangely before his eyes went wide and he rushed into the kitchen.

I quickly went in, shutting the door, making sure the heat doesn't get out.

Bilbo emerged with his dinner on a  plate, and his apron off.
Setting his dinner down, he turned to me.

"I'm sorry but, I don't understand what your doing here....ok would you like something to eat?" He quickly rushed to grab a plate full of bread rolls, offering one to me.

I just shook me head with a smile, "nor do I little one, but I was told by g-" my eyes caught a drawing in a book that was left open.

I just shook me head with a smile, "nor do I little one, but I was told by g-" my eyes caught a drawing in a book that was left open

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'The Lonely Dragon is said to be one of the most fearsome warriors, taking for of both elf and beast. A monster that no one dares to be near, earning the name Lonely Dragon. A creature created in the depths of Mordor'

I sighed and walked over to the book, "you heard of the Dragon Warrior?" Bilbo questioned, sitting down.

" could say that" I muttered, tracing the picture with my finger.

"Hmm, it's myth, no warrior that great could exist" Bilbo chuckled, squeezing the lemon over his fish.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

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