Lord Elrond (Part 1)

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It was late into the night and I had heard nothing.

Maybe I was in the wrong part of the woods, as there is something here!

Smells like trolls, but it couldn't be, they live up in the mountains.

'This is stupid' I sighed.

"They will make it to Rivendell soon enough Hades, we'll meet them there"

He grunted in reply and started to gallop out of the forest and towards the mountains.

'I hope he's awake at this ungodly hour'

It didn't take long for us to arrive.

The house of Elrond looks gorgeous at night. All lit up and green with nature.

Lindir met me at the front when I had dismounted.

"Lady (Y/n), at what does Rivendell hold the pleasure of having you visit at this time" he spoke quietly and calmly, normally people quiver in fear of me, but apparently not good friends.

"Good evening to you too Mellon, I just need to speak with Lord Elrond, is he awake?" Lindir shook his head and gestured some elves to come and take Hades to their horses' luxurious stables.

"My Lord has retired for the night, I shall inform him of your arrival in the morning, but in the meantime, I shall show you to our guest room, you must be tired"

-Time Skip brought to you by Wargs-

I didn't sleep much last night, but, it's not like I need it.

'I wonder what happened to the dwarves' it was mid morning now.

My thoughts were interrupted by a chair moving, indicating someone had sat down in front of me.

"Lindir informed me about your arrival last night...a pleasant surprise" Lord Elrond smiled.

"I'm on a mission, but have been briefly disbanded, the closest place was here...also, it's nice to see an old friend" I returned his smile when a soldier came up into the room.

"My Lord, orcs have been spotted around our borders" he huffed, standing to attention.

"Very well, alert the Calvary, and ready my horse" Elrond stood and looked at me.

"Coming?" He smiled knowing I'd say yes.

"Like old times" I nodded and went down to the stables.

-mini Time Skip brought to you by the Foehammer!-

Sure enough there was a pack of orcs circling the outlands of Elrond's realm, they must be here for the dwarves.

We charged and slaughtered most of them. The ones we didn't were chased out.

I had just sliced a Orc in half with my blade when I heard the command to return.

I had just sliced a Orc in half with my blade when I heard the command to return

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(With Gandalf and the company)

Bilbo was looking a little glum. He had hoped that when the trolls attacked them, his new friend would step in and save them, but then again, Thorin was pretty harsh on her.

Speaking of Thorin, he was livid that Gandalf had brought them to Rivendell.

"My Lord Elrond isn't here" Lindir spoke to Gandalf.

"Not here, then where is he" as if on que, they heard a horn and the galloping feet of horses near.

As the horses came across the bridg, they circled the group of dwarves then came to a stop.

Bilbo was quick to notice the pure black unicorn, as he stood out from the others.

"Ah Lord Elrond!" Elrond dismounted his horse and embraced Gandalf.

"My friend, where have you been?"

The Dwarves all eyed Elrond cautiously, but Bilbo, he had his eye on a familiar face smiled at him.

She was just behind Elrond's horse, talking with the elf that had spoken too before (Lindir).

"Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders, something or someone had drawn them near" Elrond looked down at all the dwarves.

"Ah yes, that must have been us"

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