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I stayed well away now.

Thorin, probably hates me the most out of all the dwarves.

He may never have met me, but he must have heard stories. Not only that, I'm part Dragon as well as elf. Not to mention raised in a world of orcs.

I left the group to sit in the living room, and read.

It wasn't long until i heard a lot of bickering. Then a...

The powerful dwarfish language made the arguing stop.

I quietly walked out the room and stood next to Bilbo. He turned and smiled at me slightly.

"-that's why we need a burglar" one of the dwarves stated. Bilbo who was half listening then hummed in agreement.

"And a pretty good one, an expert I'd imagine" uh oh.

"And are you?" One of the dwarves questioned.

"Am I what?" Poor clueless Bilbo.

I quickly left to get Bilbo a cup of tea, I can already see where this is going.

As I poured the milk in, I heard a loud thud coming from the hallway.

Rushing, I saw Bilbo unconscious on the floor.

Placing the tea down, I bent down and picked the little hobbit up and carried him to the other room.

When I turned I saw the dwarves, including Thorin give me a weird look.

"Who are you?" He glared. It wasn't very intimidating knowing that I could easily kill him.

"I'm who Gandalf picked at the 15th member of the company" I replied calmly, turning around, I clicked my fingers and ignited my finger.

I set the fire up and placed a blanket around Bilbo.

The dwarves were still giving me a weird look.

"I will not have an elf join a quest that I am leading, your kind refused to help then, why help now!?" He angrily questioned.

"What do you mean my kind!? I'm not an elf! I just have the appearance of one, also, if you came to ME I would have helped you!" I spoke the truth. If the dwarves came to Dracagoth, we would have helped them.

Thranduil told me how he had warned Thrain about the consequences of the lust of gold, but he would not listen, hence why he would help.

I can understand where he is coming from, but I did not have it in me to turn away from the innocent people who had to suffer.

Thorin gave me a stern look, which I returned, he soon backed down and stormed out the room, followed by the rest of the dwarves.

I sighed in frustration and decided to take a nap.

Lonely Dragon {Legolas x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now