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The only thing that she knows is, God is with her.

Exactly three in the morning she was awaken by the ringing of her phone. The rain is pouring down as if the God was mad about something she doesn't know of.

She has no idea who is this insensitive person who chooses to call at this moment.

Seriously? She thought.

With one eye open, her soul was fully awakened as she read his name on her notification bar. It wasn't a call, but a voice mail. Does she have to be thankful for that? She doesn't think so.

"I don't know where to start." He said and his breath was heavy. What's wrong? Did he cry? She asked herself.

He continued... "I don't want to hurt you, but God forgive me for as I will still. I- there is no other way to say this. I wish I could come and hug you, to..." she could have said stop, if only they were talking right now. "And say I am really sorry. This is not what I have imagined for us."

She stopped listening to him. There is no way she can be all ears to his what, whys, and how.

The Houston she knows is not someone who wants to forget everything about the one she loves. She's addicted with remembering all. But then, he's the exception.

How We Broke UpWhere stories live. Discover now