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Ro woke up early to come by the office. For the past few days, she contemplates whether accept her work on Todays Mag or not. She even wrote her pros and cons just to decide and now, Ro decided to inform Ms. Bria about her decision personally.

When she came, Mr. Devian was not around. Good thing as she is not yet ready to face him. No intern has seen their boss. Based from what they know he's not always around but he's present when the company held an important meeting.

"Glad to know your answer Ms. Houston. We're looking forward to work with you." Ro gave her thanks to Ms. Bria then she left.

Ms. Bria didn't forget her reservation card for Ramsay Galore that is valid until the last day of the year. Perhaps this will be great for her to think who will she came with when she spent her card. But maybe I'll end up bringing Stephen.

Ro came home, in surprise to see Clayton at the doorway.

She unlocks the door and went inside. Clayton followed him and walks straightly on the kitchen. That was when she noticed the food he brought.

Ro set down her stuff onto her bedroom and walked across the kitchen. Clayton served the food on the table countertop. He brought grilled cheese sandwich, different flavors of paninis including ham and cheese, chicken and bacon, and tomato and mozzarella. He also has drinks such as salted caramel cream cold brew, caramel macchiato, and caramel brulée crème. Of course, he didn't forget his coffee jelly. She smiled for a second.

he turns his head and walks up to her. Then he pinches her cheeks.

Ro brush his hands away. He smiled,

Ro rolled her eyes. She walks on the table countertop and picks up the ham and cheese panini and salted caramel cream cold brew.

She bits her panini. Clayton paces near her.

she bits again then she looks at him. He's serious. Is he?

Ro cleared her throat. Slowly, Clayton walks onto her until she is confined within his arms and the table counter. She holds her panini tightly, while him, kept his hands onto the table. What was he doing? Ro felt him tighten the space as she felt his fingers barely caress her waist. Clayton lowers his head towards Ro, she felt his breath. She noticed his rose-colored lips that is slightly opened. What does it feel to-

He said in a low and rough voice, which made her tense a little.

Ro take a gulp and she attempted to go but,

"I won't kiss you till you let me."

Then she pushed him hard.

Ro heavily tried her best to ignore his eyes as she feels like she's burning from face to feet. She went to the living room to freely tap her cheeks. Why is it so hot?

"So, we're officially back?" he followed her.
"The role is back." She answered.

"Role? Are we on a play or something?" he chuckled. "Or do you want a different role?" then he laughed; Ro threw a pillow. They can't keep acting like this. She thought. I need to ask.

"Why did you accept the deal?" Ro asked. She tightens her grip on her cup. Panini was long gone, she wished she can munch on another panini but standing up right now is too crucial. She cannot move a bit thinking that would distract him and change the topic. she added, he picks up the pillow and looked straightly at her.

"Just that? Nothing else?" he frowned.

Clayton moved from standing behind on one of the chairs into sitting beside her. He faced her.

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