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Her brothers came the next day. They knew about the situation through Stephen who was informed by Ro. When they are all gathered in her living room, Stephen announced that Thomas is already engaged.

"If he is, what's his end goal?" Ronald blurted. "Why do he keep on prying?" Robert added.

"Does mom know?" she asked, Ronald shakes his head. "Just tell her when she asked. Don't forget to tell her to not worry about me in case she'll come here."

Ronald and Robert looked at each other. "We were also contacted by Thomas right after Stephen. Maybe he's looking for an ally." Robert blurted.

"What did he say?"

"He told us about Clayton and...Victoria." Robert added. She looked at him, and she noticed how he looks at her. He knows.

"They're friends, I know. But I wasn't aware that she's already...gone."

"When I brought Clayton, did you know him?" he looked at her intently. He slowly nods. "I figured it out when I get to look at him clearly."

"But we weren't friends, so I didn't open it up." If Robert noticed, he should have too.

Ro didn't say anything about Clayton being her pretend boyfriend. There are more important things that is needed to take care of. As they were talking about what should they do, they are disturbed by a knock.

Ronald stood up to take the visitor.

"What are you doing here?! Leave!" They all stand up to see who came only to find out Thomas outside.

You could notice that he's been knocked out last night by looking at the blackened part of his face. My guy definitely knows how to beat someone's *ss.

"I- I wanna apologize." Thomas begged almost kneeling, then he saw her peeped on the door. "Ro, talk to me. Let me explain and apologize."

Ronald and Robert shove him to leave the place. Stephen assisted me to go inside but she knows she cannot let this happen again. She needs to protect him.

"Ron, Rob, let me." Ro pushed her brothers. They insisted to stay outside where she would talk to Thomas but she shakes her head intensely.

"I've got this." Then she caresses her brothers' cheeks to tell them that they should trust her.

She waited for them all to go inside. When she is alone with Thomas, she looked at him. Is this the man I've liked before? She almost hit her old self for crying. I cried for this guy? Really?

Ro sighs, "I didn't imagine that we would be like this after years of not talking with each other."

"Why did you go back?" Ro gained her strength to look at him. He also did the same thing.

"I wanted to apologize."

"How long will you? Till you're grew and old? Is that it?" he was about to tell something-

"Why do we apologize for something we'll commit again? Does apologizing permits you to do it again? Instead of causing comfort because you express regret, you did otherwise."

"It makes me feel stupid every time I hear you say let's talk, I want to apologize. Cause I know even you haven't said it, I've already forgiven you. I always will."

"Not until the last one." He remained silent.

"You're acting like this perhaps you think this can be your way to make it up to me. You're trying to fix that's not broken. Is that what you think Thomas?"
"That I'm broken?"

"That's not it." She scoffed. "Then what?"

"I wanted to apologize, to help, to make sure you're happy. That's all. That's the only thing that I needed to do." It's the same thing. You want it to be your words.

"So, that's how you see me. The same woman who needs you to be complete. Or a mission you needed to accomplish."

"Well, I hate to break it up to you but...I am not the same Ro you know Thomas. I am no longer the same girl you liked. This is not your obligation to make sure I'm well so you can move forward, get married, have kids."

"The moment you confessed your eyes no longer look for me, I did let you go."

"Every process that I've done to make myself better is for me and myself only. Exclusively. You're not part of it."

"If there would be a person who needs to apologize to myself, I am that person. I apologize for the times I pressured myself, and that I've become too hard on myself."

"I know I should be at my bests now, but I will. I'm still working on that. After all, we're all a little broken inside. We are all a work in progress."

"And I should, make me, happy."

"It's not your fault if I am not well. You can move forward now Thomas. If you're the better man, we're still in love by now."

"But we are not. We have our own sugar beans."

"I think you found yours. Don't waste your time apologizing to your ex."

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