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"If this ain't my man, I would rather not have it Ro, seriously." She hit him in the back, and he chuckled. Ro reminded him that he has a boyfriend who is currently sleeping at his apartment. Stephen smiled and said he was just joking.

On the other hand, the guy was a little bit drunk, and he is sleepy. He could no longer control himself.

"I have to go, I'm almost late Steph." He looks at Ro who was at this time picking up her stuff. Stephen is sitting on the table on the living room, in front of that sleeping guy.

"How about him? I need to go too before Matt wakes up. He's leaving tomorrow." She looks at Stephen and into him.

"I don't know. Let him be? I think he's harmless." Stephen was confused for a moment, but he agrees.

When she walks out the door, she realized her decision. Indecisiveness. That's not her. But she cannot wake him up, he looks peaceful on his sleep. In addition, she doesn't feel like she's in danger. She's sure that he is harmless.

Stephen left with Ro and they separate ways.

Thankfully when Ro arrived at the university, she was not late yet. Some of her classmates were already there. Trish, one of her classmates walks into her.

"Fill up this form Ro. Then at exactly 7:30 a.m. Ms. Lewis will meet us up regarding our internship." She nodded at her, then her classmate left.

The students that is present today is like the first batch of the interns. Stephen is the second batch since their company has a remaining project on them.

While filling up the form, Ro thought about him. Will he still be there when I go home?

She shakes her head to erase what she's thinking.

Then she looked at Trish. From time to time, she thinks about Samantha and Phoebe. She cannot help but wonder, where are they. Or will she get to meet them again.

Or this might be it, how life works. Not all the people we meet are meant to stay. Some are seasonal, some are not. Anyone can be a story to keep, or a lesson to live with.

The meeting came, and it was going smoothly. In internship, they are open to either stay or leave the company. And it also depends on the company if we are hired or not. Somehow, Ro feels like she wants to stay in Todays Mag. After all, that is what she wants, to put her concepts on any output, and to help other people by spreading informative information.

Two hours and a half when the meeting with Ms. Lewis finished. As Ro walks out the room, she saw Stephen from the distance. He waves his hand on her, and she smiled.

"Hey how's the guy in your apartment?" he asked when she walks onto him. "I don't know. I'm about to check it out." He smiled sheepishly, wiggled his eyebrows.

"What time will you be out?" he answered that he will be- maybe one in the afternoon. And she nodded.

Since Ro is left with some of her remaining work sheets, she drove home. Before going home, she went by a local marketplace to buy her ingredients for pasta. After a few minutes, she finally arrived her apartment.

Ro walks into the doorway. While walking she thought of a clever content- how women could carry a lot of stuff (including men at times). It is funny how it's like an innate ability for women to carry a couple of stuff. Right now, on her left arm she's holding the bag full of ingredients, whilst on the right arm lies in the papers that she took home. Her shoulder bag hangs on her body, and she was also holding her keys on her right hand.

When she was about to unlock her door, she heard a loud noise coming from the apartment.

Am I being rubbed?

Due to her adrenaline rush, she quickly unlocks her door only to find out the colorful notes on her floor. He was there on the living room, sitting on the couch.

He looks like a God who came down from the heaven.

Wait, is that his notes?

He didn't flinch or moved an inch when she opened the door. So, she ran through her kitchen to drop her goodies and came back on him.

She was standing near him, but she chose not to sit near him. Whilst standing, her hands and arms resting on her chest, furiously looking at the guy.

Ro doesn't know what to do. It looks like he's not interested to answer her, so she sat on the chair near him. She's currently on a battle between leaving this man at peace with his notes, or to make him leave. Forget about the notes.

Ro opens her mouth to make him leave, but he talked first, She closes her mouth, bits her lips, and looks away. What is he saying?

he asked again, still he's focused on what he's reading.

She said and he continued to read his notes. Every now and then he smiles. He's enjoying reading...at someone's house. How comfortable he is.

He stayed silent, and she's getting irritated by the guy. What? Is he a boss? Why do I have to wait for him to-?

"You shouldn't've sent that."

He stopped reading, he looked at her which made Ro taken back.

Ro glances on the notes littered on the floor, she looked at him who's currently facing the couch and fixing his coat.

What a broad shoulder he has...

Ro shakes her head intensely,


I'll come and visit Ro.

I heard you're almost finish with your intern.

He was already at the doorway, she glances at the guy. He slowly nods. He whispered and Ro didn't hear him, but she nodded. She then chose to fix her apartment, he leaves.

Ro noticed the opened drawers on the living where the guy got the notes. This is where Ro hides the notes. Then she realized, he went through my stuff without asking her. Oh, great. What if he got something-?

The doorbell rang.

Ro realized the guy didn't get his notes. That means, there is a possibility that he'll come back. Not sure when.

Ro puts back all the notes again.

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