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Later that night, Ro was wide awake. She keeps on turning on her side, left and right. I have to work with Thomas. She whispered.

Ro knows Thomas Young since grade school. They were never friends, she just happens to know his name because of the people around her. She once said to herself when she saw him enters the cafeteria during high school that they will never be in the same circle of friends. She was the nerdy type who loves to be perfect, always. It is in her system to obey the rules and to set a goal for herself. He was different, Ro knew this as she always notices him. He smiles like no global warming is existing, no forest is suffering from wildfire, or whatsoever. His hair looks fluffy, perfectly matched with his almond like eyes. The color was also similar as the almond.

That's why Ro was surprised to see Thomas Young as part of the big project. She can't remember what competitions he has attended. If there was really one.

What would be his contribution?

Hours later, her alarmed rang. Ro was not in the mood to wake up this early because her body craves for more sleep. What time did I slept?

"What happened to you Ro?" her mom looks at her with a confused face while coming down from the stairs. "Nothing mom." Ro saw Robert shaking his head and almost laughing while going out their house.

Ronald was not around, perhaps he left for university already. Her mom sat on the table; Ro went to the refrigerator to grab some milk. Her mom saw her by the ref and, "Ro, I think I still have an under-eye patch there. Use that later at night." She glanced at her mom, and she looked for the eye patch.

"Try using ice cubes now to lessen the swollen and the darkness of your eye." Ro just nodded.

Madeline approach her as soon as Ro enters their classroom. "Ro, you heard anything about the big project?" Ro places her bag on her seat, and she looked at Maddie. "Yeah, but nothing much about it. Why?" Maddie comes closer to Ro and whispered, "Year 11 and 12 are having a big project. I heard it's an outreach program." Ro nodded. "They're just picking some of the students. I'm just curious if we're included." Maddie added and turned her back at Ro, walked away.

She didn't deny that she heard something about the big project because Ro thought it would be impossible for her to not know anything because she was always called on offices for updates and announcements. But she did not disclose anything to Maddie- that she and Thomas were part of that.

The bell hasn't ring yet, so Ro decided to leave the room for a moment. As she left the room, Thomas is fast approaching her. She was about to enter the room again, but Thomas called her.

She hesitated to turn around, she could reason out that she didn't hear him called her. Still, she turned to ask why.

"Ms. Jones told me that we'll have a meeting before lunch. Mines vacant, how about you?" Ro doesn't know what to answer. "Lemme see my sched." She entered the room again; she didn't notice her classmates looking at her but looks away after a moment.

Ro immediately checked her schedule, and she was free for around 10:30 in the morning, that's thirty minutes before lunch.

"10:30 is my vacant." Thomas nodded and smiled. "I'm thirty minutes ahead of you. Can I pick you up here?" he said which made her feel that warm sensation spreads around her cheeks. She's on fire, Ro thought. And why is he smiling again? Can you stop smiling like that?

"If that's fine." He added.

For the first time, Ro stuttered and said, "Yeah, sure. F-fine." They felt awkward, but Thomas smiled at her, bid her goodbye.

As soon as Thomas left their hallways, Ro wasn't sure with what happened next. All she could think about is how awkward it will be when they meet again. Or perhaps, she's the only one who thinks about it.

Ten o'clock came and Ro felt her breathing getting heavier than she expected. Why does he have to pick me up here? Are we friends yet?

"Ro, do you know what to do here?" Ro woke up from thinking so deeply when Samantha, her seatmate, asked here. For the first time again, she doesn't know what to answer.

"Just choose the right words from the box on page 34, then we also have to answer page 38. To be submitted tomorrow." Phoebe cut in. She looks at Ro like she knows she is in trouble, which is right. Phoebe, didn't mind and smiled at Samantha and Ro.

They all continued to do their seatwork not until 10:30 came. Phoebe was the first who passed her papers, then Samantha and Ro passed together.

Their current teacher asked Phoebe to pass the remaining papers in her office, and she left.

The moment she left; Thomas peeped on the door. Ro saw her immediately. She bid goodbye to Samantha.

"You think we have an additional participant?" Thomas asked her while walking. She didn't bother to look at him while answering.

"I hope so." Ro takes a glimpse at the floor and keeps on looking at their feet. She smiled when she noticed how their feet were stepping at the same time. Why am I giddying over the synchronous movement of the feet? Ro shakes her head lightly.

"Smile looks good on you Ro." She stopped shaking her head. Ro slowly lifts it to look at him, and he was looking at her.

Ro mentally asked herself if she drank coffee this morning because at this moment, her heart is racing as if she is running to win a race. She is palpitating or...

He looked away, "I've known you since grade school." He is focused on the hallway in front of them. They are like walking in moon, not that slow or fast. Ro stayed silent as she waited for his words to continue. I want to hear more, from him.

"I always wonder what you look like when you smile, genuinely." Thomas stopped, that was the moment when she noticed that they are in front of Ms. Jones' office.

"I hope you smile more, Ro." The door opened. "Hi y'all!" Phoebe greeted. That makes sense.

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