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She f*cked up. Almost f*cked up.

Well, at least almost but that's not the point. She knows that she will if she will not move right away.

It's been days since her boss sent an email about the big project that will be launch during the Fall season of their company- which will be three months from now. As part of her internship, they are tasked to pitch an "idea" to her boss' assistant.

Until now, she hasn't come up with anything. Her calendar was messed up.

Midafternoon, her best friend, Stephen came.

"How's your project with Todays Mag?" She cannot stop herself to roll her eyes with the welcoming question of Stephen.

Stephen saw her and he cannot control himself to laugh at her. That's the thing about them, they seem to be yin-yang. She's always deadly serious yet he is so radiant.

They've been friends since college, and they're both seniors now. So, Stephen knows that she's currently suffering from the company's all-so-called "project."

They are both having an internship, but Stephen chose Outlook Magazine that focuses more on the fashion stuff, while Todays Mag is more of a lifestyle magazine. They can clearly both agree that these two companies were different.

Stephen Hugh, or customarily called Steph by Ro, is like the rainbows and sunshine in their relationship. He is fun and quirky, as much as his hair color. Right now, his hair is faded light pink. Eyes were lapis in color, and in upturned shape which goes aesthetically go on with his terracotta, brownish orange skin. It made everything in him perfectly concocted. Or perhaps Ro just love everything about his best friend.

But sometimes his noise is- never mind.

"Just do whatever you wanna do here on my apartment, but please, leave me in peace. I must really work on my idea. Or else-"

"Or else what? You will not live up to your own expectations? Girl, I've already told you that no one is-" she cut him with a yes word.

Stephen raised both his hands as if surrendering.

She sighs as she enters her room. Rosemarie Evelyn Houston knows that her best friend was right. She was trying to raise everything up, even her expectations with herself, though no one was forcing her to be perfect. But no one can blame her, Ro just wants to bring her old self back. At least, in her own way.

"Ro! Did this guy sent you a bunch of notes again?" Ro got distracted by her shouting friend. What did he say? She asked herself, lifted her head to see if he's coming on her room's doorway.

Stephen opened her door, he peeped and smiled.

"Did he send you these again?" He asked, raising the colorful sticky notes. Then Ro remembered that pile of sticky notes sitting near her main doorway. I forgot to clean it up.

"Didn't we already agreed to not label that person. We don't even know if it's a guy or what."

"Not to be a judgmental, but this sounds like a guy. And Ro, see his penmanship I bet he's-"

"A killer." Ro chuckled. "I bet he's a serial killer Steph." He laughs. She can see right now that he's about to sit on the vacant chair near her bed, she didn't mind. If, he's not distracting or stopping her from typing.

But to be serious, she doesn't have any idea what she's typing. Just like with her life. Oh great. She's even making her work on her bed. Ro feels like she's being seduced by her bed, saying lay down Ro.

Stephen continued to make himself busy by eating his snack and reading that notes.

Ro doesn't mind but as the time goes by, Stephen's laugh distracts her. Oh God, this is not good. She thought.

"Remember when we made our professor in Chemistry cry because of our supposedly rabbit. I can't believe she believed our story and- oh stop." Ro stopped typing and she looked at Stephen who's laughing, currently having a hard time breathing because of that f' note. She rolled her eyes again.

"Steph..." he tries to suppress his laugh, but he failed. She cannot do anything about it, so she closes her laptop, stood up and picks up the colorful notes littered on the floor.

I anticipate the overwhelming happiness when I see you again. I am hoping to be with you again, soon.

How are you? I wonder, do you still love grilled cheese sandwich? I hope so. You know I do too.

I don't know if this makes sense. But I want to keep writing, I want to keep doing this.

Neil Gaiman once said, being brave doesn't mean you aren't scared. Being brave means you are scared, badly scared, but you do the right thing anyway. You know what, I really regret being an a**hole you know. If only I'd realize that I would lose you.

I guess it's not only you that I miss. What we had, everything. If only you let me explain, if only. I know you're not here but why the hell I'm still writing.

"For closure." Unconsciously she answered him. It made Stephen, silent. Which made her realize what she had said.

"Wait. I have an idea." Ro doesn't like the sound of this. She knew this will be bad. Ro continued to pick up the sticky notes and Stephen stood up and walked to the door. She assumed that he would leave but

"What if we caught him on act?" As she suspected, it was a bad idea. Why on earth would we caught this person? Stephen was smiling wildly, at some point Ro was kind of expecting for him to say he's kidding.

Ro is shaking her head, but Stephen laughed at her and said, "Aren't you curious about the notes? Just like this, he's aware that the person he's writing to is not here anymore, but still he writes. What if this is the universe helping us to, I don't know meet someone, to be specific him and-"

"I'll be in the living room Steph." Ro stopped picking up the notes, then she made her way through the bed, grabs her laptop. "Clean up your mess." She pointed out the notes.

As she walks her way into the living room, Steph follows her andcontinued to explain his theory, conspiracy, whatsoever. She placed the notesthat she picked up on one of her drawers in the living. Ro let Steph blubberabout catching the person leaving the notes. She just keeps on shaking herhead, yet she didn't agree nor declined officially.

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