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She didn't remember anything after the incident with Layla and her group. The only thing Ro remembers is how Thomas tried to save her. She didn't need saving, honestly. But it happened. The whole conversation was blurry to her then she remembered she walked out, went home, and locked her door.

She didn't join her family for dinner. Ro tried her best to reflect and contemplate about what happened earlier.

That's the thing about the words people hear. It could either pass through your ears or could went straight to your heart that can bleed hard. Half of the people we're not aware how powerful words could be that sometimes it could be a poison that will slowly takes your breath out or a fruit that could tastes as sweet as the forbidden apple. It is so great to hear a compliment. It boosts a person's passion, confidence. And on the other hand, it could crumple your identity leaving nothing behind.

For Ro, it was so easy to convince herself to not believe in Layla's words. But believe me, it is not.

Again, she was back from her battles. Her silent battles. She spent years trying to build up walls to guide herself, her soul, heart, everything. And from one mere negligence, everything went back from the start- in catastrophic state. Ro cannot help herself but to let her feelings go all out as she holds her pillow as hard as she can, transferring all the force she has right now to inept herself to weep and wail loudly. She doesn't want others to hear her loud groan of agony. I don't want to bother them. I must do this...alone.

Thursday morning, his brother Ronald visited him. He then discovered that her skin is burning like a hot kettle. Her body temperature is higher than 37 °C. They all suspected that it was overfatigued from the continuous activities from school.

As they were all fixing Ro to make her comfortable in her bed, Ronald and Robert looked at each other as if they know something. They noticed her swollen eyes. Their mother must have missed this because she's worried about her being fatigued.

Ro is missing in action from the last two days of the big project. Her mother already told Ms. Jones that Ro was suffering from overfatigue and fever.

Only Ms. Jones has the information about what happened to Ro. Since then, there is an issue going on that happened last Wednesday. Different versions of story arise. Like, Ro has been absent because her ego was too beaten up by Layla. Some says that maybe she had enough with trying to work things out and she gave up with their big project. Or something must have happened.

Ro's friends say otherwise. They think something serious happened to her, a fever or what. They wanted to visit her, unfortunately, they were too busy with their booths, and stalls.

"I've been asleep for a day?" she cannot believe what Ronald has said to her. He stayed silent and just nods to confirm that it's true.

Ronald continued to fix her bed and the side table, whilst Robert is sitting at the corner of the bed. He is unusually gloomy. Her brothers are commonly seen smiling but today is different. Why, what's wrong?

"You'll be spending your weekends here Ro, huh. Your friends want to visit you, but I said, no visitors allowed." Phoebe and Sam?

Ro watched his brother Ronald finishes with what he is doing. Then he sat on the chair placed beside her bed.

"We're worried about you." Ronald started. Slowly, her breathing becomes heavy. She feels like crying. I don't want to talk about this...

"Did you overwork yourself?" Ro shakes her head with Robert's question.

"We're here Ro. In case you need us. We're just here to listen. You're our little sister, it hurts us if-"

"I'm fine. I just...yeah I did overwork myself." She looks away. Ro lifts her hand to catch the falling hair, but little did her brother knows, she wiped her small tear.

"Mom updated Ms. Jones about your situation. Based on what I know she said it was fine since you've already fulfilled your duty with your big project, you've been a great help. And along with that, I'm so proud of you Ro. We all are." She nodded, went back from laying down on her bed.

Monday came.

First thing in the morning, her brothers already left for their morning classes. Her mother was a bit hesitant to allow her to come back on campus. But she insisted to go to school.

The news about her being absent from school has been cleared out last week. But today, they were still surprised to see her appeared.

New issue has come. The results of their hard work for weeks have been finished to deliberate but Ms. Jones and the faculty haven't yet release how much did they accumulated.

During lunch, Ro and her friends decided to bring what they bought from the cafeteria to their room. When they are about to enter the classroom, she saw Thomas approaching her. She decided to ignore him.

I permit myself not to be treated badly. I don't need Thomas, Layla, or anyone of them in my life. Lets live our life with no toxicity.

I was fine before you came. I am doing just fine before you enter the equation, Thomas.

After lunch, Ms. Jones went to their classroom to announced that they amassed a total of 82,000 dollars. Still, they are not sure if the school has an extra funds for the 18,000 more.

Ro was a little disappointed with the result. Based on the weeks they have spent. They were all confident that they will successfully execute their plans. But something happened. There were miscalculated hindrances and unplanned situations. Ro felt like their hard work were wasted because the project wasn't fully successful. Though Ms. Jones comforted them with the I'm proud of you, and You've done your best words. She was still kind of disappointed, the future of those three kids were suspended.

A week later, right after class, Ms. Jones announced that the money for the three kids were already completed. Starting from that day, the school will arrange their papers and all. Someone donated for those kids.

Days, weeks, months passed like a wind. They were now on year 11. Ro smiled a little when she saw the three-transferee student from Thailand. She was reminded again by the fun and bitter experience of the big project. On her way to her classroom, Ro saw him- Thomas. He smiled a little, she didn't. What was the point? The damage has been done. We're back to square one.

Nothing special happened for their new school year. Ro spent her time studying. No big projects or whatever. Sometimes, there were contests like writing contest that was held during the month of September, Ro joined. And she loved it. Right from that moment, she fell in love with writing.

Ro came back from fixing her schedule. She became the perfect, nerdy straight A student again will full acceptance that nothing is wrong with that. It's been on her system, she once believed that she could have fun while doing her thing, but Thomas will be a constant reminder that she cannot.

There were moments wherein Phoebe and Samantha visits new stores downtown, they invite Ro, but she always refuses. They both understand, so they let her. The two of them has been the first to notice it all, how Ro learn to have fun and come back to what she is from the past. She never smiled like the way she did during year 10. That were her happiest look.

No one saw it again.

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