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"I hate her. I mean it this time."

"I know you don't Ro." Stephen is teasing her. She grunted and sat down on the highchair.

At the present, Ro visited Stephen at his apartment. She loves the maximalist design of the whole place. Ro never thought she would like it because typically, people go for a minimal style but now, cool.

They are at the kitchen; Stephen is cooking while Ro is busy watching his best friend prepares. They've been talking about how her day went when that guy came. Her mom also came to visit, so its chaotic. When Ro told Stephen the whole story he went laughing as hard as he can.

"So, what are you gonna do now? I know you'll still come though you may not."

Ro stood up to grab the pan from Stephen, she then placed the pasta on the plate, "I'm thinking on..." asking him to be my pretend boyfriend.

"Oh no that can't be girl." He sat on the dinner table. She placed the plate over it. "Why not?"

"I'll be gone for I don't know... a week maybe?" they started eating. "Where will you go?"

"Matt will bring me to his business trip!" Steph happily announced. They both shrieked at the news. It was indeed a great news, finally they are working together again, Ro thought.

"I thought he'll leave now. When will you leave? Have you pack already?"

"Hey, chill Ro. We'll be leaving on Monday. And no, I haven't pack yet. You're gonna help me with that." And they laughed. Ro refused to help him, but she still said yes.

As of now, Matthew is out visiting his friends nearby. Ro can feel how happy her best friend is. They talked about other things but the dinner with Thomas Young was opened again.

"I think Ron's trying to help me. He was the reason why I said yes when he assumed that I'm dating. I've thought about you since they haven't met you."

"Good thing you only mentioned me. Unfortunately, I need to go. Sorry Ro."

"Hey, its fine. I'll think of something." She refilled her glass of wine. Stephen hit her.

"Hey, I haven't had that much drink-"

"What if ask that guy to be your pretend boyfriend?!" Ro almost spill her drink while drinking. What?

"He's a perfect candidate. Oozing with charm, screams with brilliance and wisdom, I think he could say yes to your plan. Just give him-"

"He's arrogant, rude, bossy, and have you seen him? He has his own world- he and his notes..."

"You have your own world too. You're perfect for each other. Imagine how silent your relationship is." Stephen laughed. She put down her wine.

Ro shakes her head. "You can try it. There's no harm in trying."

God works in a funny way.

You gotta be kidding me.

"Hi, I came back." Stop smiling like that, it's not funny. Ro badly wants to comment when she was unlocking her door, but she didn't. All she wants right now is to lay down in her bed, strategize her plan on the f' dinner.

"I'm here for the notes and for my question last time." She finished unlocking, then she turns her head on him. "Question? What question? Wait here, I'll get it." But as soon as Ro enters, he also did. "Have we met?" I think he already asked me that.

"Is that like a pick-up line?" Ro glanced at him, dropped her bag on the living room, then proceeded to go to her room. "Are you flirting?" she shouted. Ro was clearly not thinking straight. She's tired although it was just seven in the evening and she had wine. Lots. But what the hell is he doing here? At seven?

She changed her clothes into a comfy one then she goes back outside. Ro saw him sitting on the couch.

"Do you want me to?" he asked as she walks into the kitchen to grab some water.

She yawns, "You are really something. Just go and pick up your notes. You know where to find it right?" he nodded.

After a few minutes Ro went to the living room to join him. He was busy transferring his colorful notes with his tiny box. Really? Just a tiny box?

Ro is aware that at the present, her head was clouded. If this is the sober Ro, she would have shoved him. Better luck next time if there will be one.

Since he's already here, she lets him be. Ro is kind for this night.

She yawns again, struggling to keep her eyes open but she asked anyway, "Why'd you write that?" he stopped what he was doing, and he lifted his head. "Nothing. Just hoped someone gets this so I can flirt with her." He jokes but when he looks at her

Her chin was resting in her palms, placed on the arm rest of her chair. While him, he's kneeling on the floor, in front of the opened drawer, the side table near her chair.

The distance between them is so close.

He comes closer. He said, "Oh, the things we do when we miss our..." He's serious this time.

"Our?" Ro closed her eyes, which made her hands and arms to be unstable, unable to support her head.

The guy put down his box, lifts his arm to support her head. He didn't try to wake her up. She seems tired ever since she walks out of her car.

He murmured some words she heard but didn't understand.

They stayed like that for a few minutes. Suddenly, someone rang the bell, knocked, and opened the door.

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