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"Smile when I say cheese. One, two, three, cheese!" Ronald holds firmly the camera and started to capture one of the delightful parts of her life. Her graduation.

"Steph, if you could come, come by the house. We'll have a dinner." Robert and Ronald looked at Ro. She gave her brothers a smile.

"Matt's treating him." Ro interrupted. "Well, your boyfriend could come too! The more the better!"
"Ro, text Clayton."

"Mom..." Ronald blurted.

"We broke up Mom." She said, her mom was surprised. She apologized to Ro; she said its fine.

It's been weeks since she left him at his apartment. From time to time she remembers to text him to ask for an update, but she end up erasing her attempts. She does not want to pry.

When they left the campus, she rode to her brother Ronald's car because she didn't bring her car. Olivia wasn't around since she has work on the hospital. Same for Vicky. So, Robert rode to Ronald's too.

Before going to their house, Matthew arrived. Stephen introduced him on Ro's family. They all welcomed him.

Her mom personally invited Matthew for the dinner, he gladly accepted.

Finally, they decided to leave the campus. They drove first. Her mom followed at the back, and Matthew did the same thing.

"Apartment is nearer, right? I need to take a dump." Ro acted like she was going to puke with what Robert said. Ronald laughed.

He then turned the wheel to drive towards the apartment. She doesn't have to say good bye to her apartment just like what her brothers did which made her happy because she loves her memories there. That's where I met him. At least the one that she always remembers because they actually had a meet cute on the elevator.

"What is this?" She blurted, and Ronald stopped the car. She ran towards her apartment while looking at the lightened pathway. What's happening?

Ro let her emotions flow. As she was running towards him, she bawled out of happiness. Clayton stretched his arms out to welcome her fully. When she reached him, Ro jumps on him, her thighs wrap around his waist. Clayton tightens his grip on her back and he swayed her.

This is how we broke up and why we dated again...for real this time. Her heart is filled knowing that once in her life, I've become the main character.

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