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She wasn't a morning person, but this time she had to wake up. Last night during the dinner with Stephen, she was about to agree to stay on the resto and visit a bar place near the place afterwards. But unfortunately, one of her classmates texted her that they will have an activity first thing in the morning tomorrow.

Around five in the morning when she woke up. Ro started her day with drinking water, then she went to her bathroom. It is indeed good to start your day with good words. She looked into the mirror, brushed her hair, and smiled.

"Ro, you will do good today. I believe in you. You are beautiful, kind, and whatever happens today, have a break. Don't stress yourself." After her daily mantra, she takes a bath.

While on shower, she remembered messaging her brother, Ronald. This apartment is given by mom on him. During college, every now and then he's living here. But sometimes, he still chooses to live on our house. At the last months of his senior year on college, he stayed here longer.

After that Robert stayed here but just like Ronald, he spent his time on home longer. Then, there was a moment wherein Ro heard Ronald and mom talking about a girl, she's not sure, who Robert let stayed on the apartment. She never learned about it because no one told Ro about that person. Then when Ro started college during her sophomore year, her mom let her stayed on the apartment since Kingsville is also near the place.

Ro finished taking a bath for about an hour. It took her minutes to get dressed and double-check her stuff. When she finished everything, she walks out her room. Then when she was about to arrange her coffee, but she noticed a brown paper on her door.

Someone is slipping the paper.

She rushed onto the door and opened it. Ro found a guy walking away from her doorway. "Hey!" the guy slowly turned his head around Ro.

He didn't say anything. The guy just looked at him.

"What are you-" the guy started walking into her. Ro walks back, "Can I come in?" his voice was low which somehow made Ro move, she made a way for him then he enters the apartment. She doesn't know what to do, she was dumbfounded.

"She's not really here." He whispers. Ro tried to say something, "H-hey. What were you-" he looks back on her and cut her with, "Can I have some water?"

Ro hesitated for a moment, but she still went to the kitchen to grab some water.

He is tall, thin, and muscular. She can clearly see it on his white polo. Ro was sure that it is long sleeves, folded. His skin was sepia, reddish brown. His eyes remind Ro of the obsidian, almond shape.

Ro thinks he's a little drunk.

When Ro came back from the kitchen, he found the guy sleeping on the couch.

I should have shove him earlier. Now, it's too late.

She went back to the kitchen to settle the glass down, takes out her phone from the pocket and called, "Steph, he's here."

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