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She smiled as she remembered what she said when Thomas came. We have our own sugar beans. When Ro finished her speech that night, Thomas broke down in front of her. She remembered how he said he prayed for her and now, he's here in front telling her how he was bothered about his decisions in life. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with his future wife.

He was just thinking that he might receive bad luck if he hasn't apologized to her personally or he haven't fix everything that he had done from the past. But things got out of hand- with Clayton for example.

Ro wanted to know where he is. Then, she realized she doesn't know that much information about him. Aside from, he's a businessman, he is flirty, hot, and she wanted to make this thing between them, real.

She wants to clear the air between them. It's been weeks. She misses him.

Ms. Bria

Mr. Devian needs you in his office. 10 am sharp.

It was already eight thirty in the morning when she saw Ms. Bria's notice. She immediately finished eating and quickly prepared for the meeting. This will be her first time to see his boss. I hope myself a good luck.

At exactly ten minutes to nine, she arrived at the company. Every step that she is taking makes her heart race faster. She wasn't sure if this is because of her boss or she is feeling something different.

Then, she remembered Clayton as she walks onto the elevator, our pretend story. I miss his smile; I hope I could see you again after this. I long for our coffee date, though we just had one. If we're only together, I must have said, bring me to heaven. She laughed at her own thought.

She smiled unconsciously while waiting for the elevator to arrive the floor.

"Good luck. I think he will be delighted to see you." Ms. Bria welcomed her when she came.

As she walks onto his office, her heart beat faster than before. She reached for her heart. I'm proud of you no matter what. But you can do this.

Ro opens the door, Mr. Devian lifts his head and smiled. "Have a seat Ms. Houston."

She smiled at him nervously and she sat by the chair in front of Mr. Devian.

"I was informed by Ms. Bria about your decision to continue working here at our company."

"I'm pleased to know you'll be staying. But since I am here, I wanted to personally welcome you." Ro was clueless with his reasonings but she kept listening.

"Honestly, we are not directly hiring from interns. Ms. Bria is aware with that. This is the first time that this happened."

"Then why?" she bravely asked, he smiled.

"I believe you have what I'm looking for. Passion."

"Do you have a blog? Website?" Ro cannot help herself express her surprise, she nodded.

"Before you all came in, I've read your profile and I wondered, where did I hear you."

She keeps on nodding at his story.

"I searched everywhere for your name. Then at last, I found it. You founded a website. A very helpful one." Her face formed a bright smile. "You impressed me. That's why you are here."

"I know you won't be staying here for long because you'll go places. But we wanted to help you to grow more and we would gladly help you with everything."

In the end, they shake hands to formally end the discussion and start her journey.

She turns her body to leave the office when she noticed the frame behind Mr. Devian.


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