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Ro genuinely smiled at Clayton. She gave him a pat on his thigh to comfort him, then she went closer in an attempt to kiss him. "Can I kiss you?" he whispered. She grins and whispered back, shut up. Ro kissed him at his cheeks.

After eating, their mom cleaned up the table along with Ro and Olivia. Her brothers went to the living area with Thomas and Clayton.

"I like Clayton. He looks like a nice guy." Ro smiled at her mom's comment. If you only knew mom.

"You have other plans Ro? You can leave now." She was about to say she don't have but, "I think Clayton has a surprise." Her mom screams like a teenager. She shoves Ro. "Then go ahead leave."

When she walks up onto the living area, she saw how her brothers' bond with Clayton. They are all laughing. At the corner of the living area, Thomas is leaning at the door.

Ro went up to Clayton, Thomas walks up to them.

"Ro, can we talk?" she takes a glance at Clayton. His eyes looks like he's asking if Ro is okay. "Privately."

"You can talk to me. Here." Ro firmly stand her ground. Clayton whispered he will just wait outside, but she grabs Clayton.

Thomas took a glance upon Clayton. Then Clayton moves closer to Ro, "He wants to talk to you. Alone." Ro was about to make him stay, "I'll be near."

Clayton winked, she rolled her eyes and smiled a little.

Clayton goes outside to stay by the car. Then, Thomas and Ro were left alone outside by the door of her house. He cleared his throat. "Are you sure with him Ro? He looks li-

"What?" Ro surprisingly answered, she was expecting for him to talk about something else. "I said, are you sure with him-

"Who are you to question my life decisions?" You haven't been around for years, what are your stand in my life to ask me that?

"I didn't mean it that way."

"Being here doesn't mean I have to act like we're friends or what." Then, Ro walks past him. Clayton stroll unto her.

She holds onto him. when she turns her head, she noticed her hand holding him. So, Ro lets go of him.

Clayton opens the door for her.

He mumbles something she can't understand.

I expected him to say sorry. Why did he ask about Clayton?

"Where you wanna go?" she didn't respond. Ro immediately turn her head on Clayton who is currently grinning widely. She hits her hard on the shoulder.

He then laughs. Ro told him to stop flirting. "Heaven's cafe, Ro. Heavens café." Clayton emphasizes his last words, resulting for a low rough voice. Why is it so hot? He doesn't have to talk like that. Ro mentally shakes her head to wipe out what she was thinking.

They went silent for a few minutes. Clayton did bring her to Heavens.

The whole place is giving Ro a calm yet fun feeling. She loves this whimsical themed café. The moment they walked up through the store; she badly wants to caress the cloud structure that really looks fluffy to touch. Along with the adorable angels floating on the upper area of the whole store. Ro loosen up herself and let out an expression of delight.

Clayton volunteered to order up, Ro went to find sits for them. While waiting for him, she thought, I can't believe I went with him. In spite of that frisky attitude, Ro felt safe and weirdly balance. He can be as radiant as he is, and she can be grumpier than ever.

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