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Today is Friday, as expected Phoebe and Samantha are off to the new pizza place located near in their campus. It is scheduled today for a soft opening.

Samantha invited Ro, astonishingly, she said yes. Thomas came in to join the conversation and Phoebe invited him. "If Ro will, then I'll come."

Thomas drove them off to Pizza Italiano. They went crazy when they saw how huge the place is. There are a lot of people waiting in the line to eat at the place. So, they ask their selves if they should wait for them to be admitted...or not.

"Are we gonna wait?" Samantha commented, Phoebe agreed. "I think we shouldn't waste our time here."

"Plus, it'll always be here." She added. "How about Perfecto Gelato?" Thomas pointed at the gelato store in front of the Pizza Italiano. They all agreed to visit the place instead of waiting for the pizza place.

"May I ask Thomas? How are your friends? Layla and the others?" Ever since they found out that Thomas is their classmate, Phoebe's intrigued with what happened with the elite group. Some of them already transferred in another school during the year 11. Layla and Rachel were the only one who stayed at their school.

Thomas already opened some parts of the story to Ro, but she didn't share this to her friends. Since, it's not her story to tell.

"They were reprimanded for what they did during the foundation week when we were year 10. It almost causes a postponement within the future of those three students." He explained. "Since freshmen, there were allegations on them about the bullying incidents. I have no idea about that but when we were called to respond for that, it jolted me to the core."

"They are worse than I expected." Ro told him that he could not go further into more details if he is not comfortable because she can see that until now, he's heavyhearted about what happened.

Most of the hidden bully incidents were done by the guys included in the elite group. Layla and Rachel weren't aware of that either. That's why they get to stay here on campus. That includes Thomas who's innocent. Whilst the other members were kicked out. I just hope that they got what they deserved.

From that moment, Ro felt how heavy his heart is. She wanted to share his pain with her, so he won't have to feel it alone. If only she could take a part of it. That's what Ro thought of.

When they finished what they ordered, Samantha and Phoebe went ahead as they will be fetch by Phoebe's mom. As for Ro, she texted her mom a while ago about her after class date with friends.

Thomas drives her home, and for the whole trip, they stay silent. Ro cannot tell whether he's gloomy about his former friends or he just want to have a peaceful trip. Whatever it is, Ro wants to know. I know I've told before that I don't want to be involved with him anymore. So, what the hell am I doing here? Ro knows there is something in life you don't have any control. It's what you feel about a certain person.

When they were still kids, she has her eyes on him. He seems interesting. Whatever he does, it makes her wonder what magical does it bring for her to continuously, inevitably, notice him. It is like her eyes were glued on him. Not until high school, she realized they were different. Ro tried to focus on her goals, which includes having an almost perfect pathway for her future. She joined competitions, clubs, and AP classes. Her plan is rigorously executed but along with that, she rarely makes friends. She never made friends rather.

There were talks about her being a cold-hearted, or snobbish person. Some of them wanted to approach her but they can't. Only Samantha and Phoebe who made an effort to thoroughly get her attention.

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