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Ro tightens her grip unto the cup of her coffee as she savors its aroma. She gently caresses its warm surface feeling a slight tingle of pain that travelled within her hands up until her heart.

It's been days since her happy break-up. Clayton and her did not contact each other after, it's fine for her. It's a one-day deal after all. Her life shifted in chaos into peace. She was thankful with Clayton's role into her pretending.

But the kiss... she shakes her head for thinking about it. It felt like it meant something but she did not overtaught what happened to her and Clayton.

Merely four hours from now, Stephen will come visit Ro, not because he misses her, but because he wants to hear the juicy details about her weekend dinner.

Ro wasn't sure for a moment what to say to her best friend, but during her breakfast, she tried to gather her thoughts.

When she finished with eating, she cleaned up the apartment which lasted for an hour. After that, she updated her website. This is her secret project. Ro decided to tell her best friend about this.

Midafternoon, someone rang the bell, knock and opened the door.

"You miss me girl?" he let out a belly laugh. Ro stood up from her chair in the living room and ran onto Stephen who just came back from Matthew's business trip. He's glowing! OMG!

"Where did you really go? Look at your glow!" Stephen cleared his throat. "Well Ro, if you know, you know!" Ro understood what he means, she hits her slightly on the shoulder and they both laughed.

Ro asked Stephen if he wants to eat, she could cook or they could dine out. He said he doesn't want to eat. "Perhaps supplement me with what happened!" Stephen told her almost shrieking.

Ro told him about how the dinner went. Right from the start of the dinner until the end when Thomas asked her to talk.

"He asked about Clayton? What the hell is wrong with this Thomas?" she agreed. Then, Ro told him that she was kind of assuming he will apologize with what he has done years ago. But he didn't.

"Kinda stupid to assume that."

"No Ro it's not. But how are you feeling? Are you fine?" she didn't respond, instead she let out a heavy sigh.

"I surely don't bear the same feelings for him. I have moved on but..."

"The stain stayed. It never goes away, right?" she nodded; Stephen hugged her assuming it could aid her pain.

"You can forgive, but you shan't forget." He agreed.

"How 'bout Clayton? Did he do good?" as Stephen let him out of the hug, he saw how Ro's expression turn into a smile.

"Wait did you two-

"Hey, we did not!" Ro remembered the kiss they shared. Stephen just laughed at her as if he was not believing her.

"We didn't. After the dinner, we went to heavens-

"Wait he brought you to heavens" he grinned, she hit her. "Not the heaven heavens." Stephen shrugged and suppressed his laugh. Ro knows exactly what he means.

She told him what they talked about when they came home that day. Ro told her about Clayton's best friend, V. One of the few reasons why they shouldn't pursue whatever they had.

"Who's this V? Do you know her Ro?"

"Her name's Victoria, and no I don't know any person who goes by that name." Ro looked at how her best friend's forehead furrowed. Then, he grinned. "What did you feel when he told you about his best friend?"

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