𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓: Bonten No.2's Pet

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TW: Mature languages, Abuse, Sexual Assault and Attempted Rape

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TW: Mature languages, Abuse, Sexual Assault and Attempted Rape. Read at your own discretion.

       You grabbed a pair of scissors from the study table and stabbed the sheets on the bed, letting the feathers puffed out and scatter on the floor

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You grabbed a pair of scissors from the study table and stabbed the sheets on the bed, letting the feathers puffed out and scatter on the floor. Ripping the sheets in two and grabbing the shaft of the lampshade before smashing the vanity mirror with it, splitting your reflection in pieces as you looked back at yourself riled up and angry.

The room was thrashed, the vases were smashed to pieces, knick knacks were knocked over their usual places, cluttered to the ground and the curtain rods were pulled from their joints.

You weren't sure how long he had you locked in this room but he wasn't very smart to let you roam free.

The jingle of keys by the door made you grip the lampshade over your shoulder before the knob turned and he finally stepped inside.

You threw the heavy object towards him and he was quick to drop the plastic bags he was holding and catch the lamp before it could hit him. "Woah there." He stared at you confused while you gave him a death glare, your chest flaring and heaving from the tantrum you had ensued over the place.

"I just left to get something and you already trashed the place.." he sighed, setting down the lampshade on his feet, before grabbing the plastic bags and his eyes darted around, seeing it like a tornado had flown around the room.

"What do you think that locking me here would stop me, let me out!" You demanded and he sighed.

"It's not locked." He pressed a hand on the black screen and scanned his palm before the knob turned by itself.

"Oh." You stepped aside and went for a run towards the door but he caught your wrist and pushed you back.

"You're not going anywhere." He argued, gripping your wrist and pulling you towards the bed, setting you down, ignoring your squirming and usual hostility. You flung your limbs and started kicking at his shin, "Would you stop it already!" You weren't budging at all.

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