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"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them

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"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them. and that is eternity."

- Edward Munch

- Edward Munch

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All was in bright pristine, blinding you with the glare of light.

The smell of wild flowers and salt air of the cliffs engulfed your nose. The flowers below you were tickling at your ankles, blooming with the strength of spring in the corner. You looked down at your bare feet seeing yourself standing upright but you couldn't feel anything tangible around you.

In this world it felt light, no hurting, no pain, just peace in your heart.

Through the horizon you saw someone standing afar, his light pink hair flowing, linen blouse in his body billowed gently in accordance to the faint breeze. You'd know him right away, from how he breathes in the air to how his feet wander the ground. You'd know him, long for him through worlds and worlds.

"Haru?" You called.

As if he didn't hear you, he starts to walk further away from you, until his figure starts to get smaller.

"Haru!" You yelled at him but the flowers beneath you had turned into withering vines of thorns, scratching and digging deeper on the skin, keeping your feet planted in the ground as the mud started to swallow you whole.

"Haru!" You chant for his name again and again until the blob of dirt has reached your chin, burying you far deeper into the earth.

The sickening taste of blood and bones felt lodged from all the people you had killed in your span of existence and it felt like they were pulling you down with them.

You cried out until you felt someone pull you at your wrist.

"I told you not to keep following me!"

You blinked the tears away, feeling like you were in a dream, you weren't really in one place, the setting switches and it's beyond your control.

To Kill An Empire  (Sanzu Haruchiyo)Where stories live. Discover now