Video Killed the Radio Star

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A/N I don't have the faintest idea how music videos were made, but I do know that safety standards weren't as stringent in the early 80s. Shooting the video is the best imagining that I could do. Sorry if it's wildly off-base!

Why don't we sing this song all together
Open our minds let the pictures come
And if we close all our eyes together
Then we will see where we all come from
Pictures of us in the circling sun
Pictures of the show that we're all one.

The Rolling Stones, Sing This All Together (See What Happens)

The next morning, Ella banged on doors again, but 5 am was a lot harder to get up at than noon and they were almost late to the warehouse where they were supposed to shoot their first video. Nat was already there having her hair and makeup started, and Ella was plopped into a chair beside her while the guys and their instruments were whisked away.

"I was getting a little worried," Nat said, stifling a yawn. "Did Mr Barnes review the contracts?" She'd begged off going to the Barnes', saying that she wanted an early night.

"He took them to examine, said he'd get them back to us in a day or two." The makeup woman quickly cleaned her face. Again. She'd washed this morning, it's not like she'd show up all gross. The night before, Mrs Barnes had invited them for dinner, ecstatic to see her son and his friends after so many weeks on the road--roast chicken and vegetables, perfect for the cold and lingering spring, with brownies for dessert--and Mr Barnes had scanned the contracts, said they looked fair but wanted to concentrate on them, and they also made it an early night.

"Good," Nat murmured, her raspy voice almost a purr. "I can't wait to really get going on this. I don't think that I'll really feel like we're happening until we start shooting." Nat's hair didn't need a lot done, just a mist of hairspray to keep it smooth and sleek and a little touch-up with shears to make the lines of it pristine and sharp. The makeup woman quickly finished loading what felt like half a pound of makeup on Ella's face and she looked over at her friend, uncomfortably aware of the weight of false eyelashes. Nat looked voluptuous and sexy as ever, but dialed up to eleven. The hairstylist grabbed a section of Ella's hair and began to rat it. Ella winced.

One of the sheets making a makeshift dressing area opened briskly, admitting two women, one with a rolling rack of garments. The strawberry blonde woman had a clipboard and scanned faces. "Ok, ladies. I'm Pepper Potts, Mr Stark's assistant. Tony wants to shoot the band's part of the first video first, then you performing the second song for the next video. He's still working on the concept for the third, but he'll have that nailed down soon. We have some different looks for each of you, one for each part of the shoot. Tony will decide on the final look, so let's start with you, Natasha, while Ella's hair is finished." Nat got up and walked over in sock feet to the rack. "I love your hair color. Is it natural?"

"It is, I'm really lucky," Natasha said.

"Basic black for you," Pepper said, handing her some sheer black hose, wicked-looking stiletto heels, a shiny vinyl miniskirt, and a tank top. The stylist used enough Aquanet to make her cough, then Ella was done too. She took a glance in the mirror--yikes. Her dark brown hair was six inches high and as fluffy as a poodle, completely obliterating her natural wave, and the makeup made her look severe. Oh well, it was all for the image, she reminded herself. Nat went over to her chair to start to change, and Pepper beckoned Ella over. "Tony wants you in a miniskirt too," she said, handing over what looked more like a leather girdle, fishnets, another killer pair of stilettos, and a rich purple satin shirt. And a black lace padded pushup bra. Ella looked at her askance, and Pepper sighed. "I know, but we're after a memorable first appearance," she said bracingly.

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