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Do you think you could come and see me sometime soon
We could just hang out like we used to
It's late and I should go
But I can't hang up the phone
Until I tell you
What I don't tell you enough
Even though at times it seemed
We were more like enemies
I'd do it all again
My sister my friend

Reba McEntire, My Sister

Ella got herself a whiskey and soda, then turned and leaned against the bar as Nick welcomed everyone to the party, thanking them for coming, and spoke a little about the new album. Steve and Nat stood to one side of him, Erik and Bucky to the other. Both men looked like they'd like to get farther away, but the platform was small and there was nowhere to go but over the sides and into the ferns that covered the open base. Ella hid her grin in her drink. And not for the first time, she wished her family was still here to enjoy these highlights. Chris would have funny comments for her ear only, and their parents would be proud of their achievements. She sighed and listened to each member of the band—oh, well, each musician, anyway—say a few words. Erik didn't mention her by name but did say that he loved the music, and Bucky came right out and thanked her "for the music she wrote for me as well as the work she put in on our demo." Steve's face was blank and Nat looked inscrutable. Ella rolled her eyes, and the next phase, showing the videos for the four singles, started. Tony had declined the invitation to direct, and the up-and-comer who'd taken the job wasn't as good. The videos weren't bad, they just weren't going to win any Moonman statuettes at the MTV awards. The first one was the best, set in a moody and atmospheric forest set at night. It had been somewhere chilly; you could see wisps of breath. Bucky was shirtless, though, showing his broad and muscled chest as well as the metal arm. He'd worked up a sweat and looked delicious, she thought, grateful that she didn't have to worry about popping a stiffie inconveniently in public. Erik kept his focus on his guitar, and the director had Steve and Nat sharing a mike. He'd done his best to stitch together a cohesive impression of the band through camera angles and shots that focused on individuals. The second video was a performance on the Sunset Strip during the day. Ella remembered they'd gotten a permit to close the street for a few hours. The third was on a fairly standard soundstage, and the fourth on and around Santa Monica pier. The band was shown at the attractions and down on Muscle Beach, and it was fun until the end, where the big Ferris wheel was in the background of the shot. The band was standing on the beach. Bucky turned, lowered his head, and walked away from the ocean. Erik walked alone toward the pier, leaving Steve and Nat, who looked at each other as the scene faded into the twilight.

Ella supposed she felt sentimental, but that last shot seemed sad, especially since the band had lost half its members. She joined in the applause, however, shaking off her mood, and as the album started to play, the band was able to leave the stage and circulate in the crowd. She found herself in a group with Maria, Monica, Wanda, and Kate, listening to Wanda fret about how to arrange good publicity for a band that was broken down. Ella liked all the women, though, and soon they were talking about other topics. Maria and Monica had heard about the Las Vegas adventure and wanted in on another one. Nobody shied away from the incident that had ended the fun prematurely, but they promised that they'd stay at a different resort if Ella and Bec wanted to do it again. Bec and Sam had come to the party as well; Bec was up for another ladies' weekend and Ella agreed as well. The more the merrier, and this time, no brothers were going to ruin it.

Ella excused herself, and as she was washing her hands in the bathroom, the door opened, and Nat entered. Ella kept her eyes on her own business, turning off the tap and briskly pulling a few paper towels from the dispenser. "Hey, Ella," Nat said awkwardly. "I know Fury invited everybody from the label, but thanks for coming."

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