Dealing with the fallout

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Dirty little secrets
Dirty little lies
We got our dirty little fingers
In everybody's pie
We love to cut you down to size
We love dirty laundry

We can do the innuendo
We can dance and sing
When it's said and done
We haven't told you a thing
We all know that crap is king
Give us dirty laundry

Don Henley, Dirty Laundry

Surprising herself, Ella slept pretty well that night, once they finally got to sleep. Probably from exhaustion and/or a desire to wake up once the public fuss had come and gone. Her alarm went off so she could get up and check things for Becca.

"You ok, Bella?" Bucky muttered, spooning closer and putting his arm around her waist.

"No," she said quietly. "But today is for Becca and Sam. I'll be happy, I promise."

"I know, sweetheart. And I know that you want them to have their special day. I guess I want to know if there's anything I can do for you?"

"I could ask the same thing, James." She laced her fingers with his. "I'm not the only one who's been smeared."

"I can get away with more than you can," he said after a moment. "Double standards. The abortion is going to hit you the hardest, though. There will probably be some high profile incidents where conservative Christians break or burn your records."

"I know and I don't care." Her voice was suddenly sharp. "Nobody really knows what they'd do if they'd been in my shoes, except for women who have found themselves pregnant and left alone. I made the right decision for me. I wouldn't have made that decision under other circumstances. It wasn't easy, but I don't regret it." She sort of shrugged. "And if they want to burn my records, doesn't really matter. They already spent their money on them. I've profited." He snickered and she turned to face him. "I hate people knowing about my private life. That's what's made me really mad, I think.  I don't owe anybody any apologies. What scares me is how people are going to react. The people I like, anyway. My friends. Your parents. Al might have issues. I'm not worried about you or Bec or Sam. But I'm worried my other friends and acquaintances. It's not going to be pleasant. And you. You might have lost your way for a bit, but you're a good man, James. I hate that people might look at you and see anything else."

"I've been a Class A fuckup sometimes, Bella. And you know it. You're just being nice to me because I'm your drummer," he said.

"You could just stop with "Because I'm yours," she said affectionately, and kissed his chin. "Ok. Let's get up. Important wedding today, just not as important as ours. Don't tell Bec I said that. Let's get through the day, happy and festive, then deal with it after. I want to talk to your parents before they have their vacation. I'll call Loki before I start wedding things."

"I'll ask my folks later today," he promised. "Come find me if there's any crisis that needs averting."

Ella dressed casually but nicely and called her agent before she left her fiance slumbering to check on the floral arrangements, the set up, the cake, what have you. Wedding stuff. The ranch staff were setting up the rows of chairs, with nice spacing between each one, and there was a white carpet to lead the bride to the altar. Two guys were setting up the floral arch, which was bigger than Ella had expected. Everything there was going well. She turned to check on the arrangements for the dinner and reception. Partway there she ran into the bride.

"It's looking good, Becs," she said affectionately.

"Let me see," Becca demanded, so they returned to the wedding site, beholding the work in silence. "Wow. That arch.... it's more than I expected."

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