Heart to heart

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It's hard to think about what you've wanted
It's hard to think about what you've lost
This doesn't have to be the big get even
This doesn't have to be anything at all

(I know you really want to tell me good-bye)
(I know you really want to be your own girl)

Stevie Nicks and Tom Petty, Stop Draggin' My Heart Around

Ella huddled under the bench like a cornered feral animal, not wanting to leave the slight shelter to run from someone who was probably faster than she was. The man's knees hit the grass, followed by his right hand, and she watched as his face came into view.

"Shit, Ella, I didn't mean to scare you," Bucky said remorsefully, blue-gray eyes concerned. "I didn't realize that you were wearing head phones. I rang at the gate, then I thought I'd leave you a note at the door. I saw you over here. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come up here without permission."

Ella dropped her head, the tension running out of her as she inhaled the soothing scent of the grass and the soil. "It's ok," she said, raising her head and turning it to look at him again. "I just wasn't expecting anybody." Bucky stood, bending down to offer his hand to her. She'd somehow managed to tuck herself in quite firmly under the bench and it was easier to get under it than out, but she took his hand after she wiggled out, scraping her back some, and let him help her to her feet.

Her bikini top had had enough shenanigans, though, and as she stood, the ties gave up. The fabric bits and string fell to the ground.

Bucky went a bit cross-eyed at the abundance of shapely flesh suddenly on display and dropped her hand. "Oh, god," Ella yelped, and turned to grab one of the towels off the bench, hastily throwing it over her shoulders so the ends covered her breasts. She picked up the top, seeing that the neck ties had just come undone, but that on one side, the tie had ripped free from the fabric sometime during all the excitement. She looked sideways at Bucky, who was beet red.

"I'm sorry!" he wailed, mortified. "He's so inappropriate!" Ella giggled inadvertently as he flailed, realizing that he had a tentpole problem in his pants. Both of them turned away slightly.

Ella sat back down on the bench and tried to calm down, picking up the tape player and turning it off. "Ok, so what brings you here today?" she asked, resolutely keeping her eyes away from the erection at eye-level.

"Oh, right. Two things," Bucky said, sounding relieved at the change of subject and quickly sitting beside her, hands folded primly on his lap. "I wanted to tell you about reactions to the tape." Each of them were content to ignore rebellious body parts.

"Oh?" she asked hopefully.

"Yeah," he said, gaining enthusiasm. "The band loved it." At her skeptical look, he nodded. "Everybody. Even Steve. My drumming sounds hot, Nat liked having her basslines clearly heard where they were most important, Erik liked that he got his fair share of the spotlight, and Steve was pleased with the emphasis on his vocals. I think that he might have liked more focus on his guitar, but he didn't say a word about it, and it sounds better to let Erik's playing shine. Thor looked like it was salvation, which it pretty much is, actually. He's taking it to some labels." He looked at her. "One of them is Flerken. Would it be a problem for you if they were interested in us? We owe you, and if it bothers you, I'll put a stop to it."

Ella couldn't help but be a little impressed by that. "No, I can't say that it is, and I don't have the right to decide who Flerken should sign. Nick's in charge, and he'll sign whoever he wants to."

"You put Flerken on the map," Bucky pointed out. "You're still their most successful artist by a long shot. They should consider that."

"And Flerken took a chance signing me. It's worked out for everybody."

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