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I'm singing this note 'cause it fits in well
With the way I'm feeling
There's a symphony that I hear in your heart
Sets my head a-reeling

But I'm in tune
Right in tune
I'm in tune
And I'm gonna tune
Right in on you (right in on you)
Right in on you (right in on you)
Right in on you

The Who, Getting' In Tune

Before Bucky found the bar, he found a phone bank and made some calls. First he left a message on Thor's answering machine at work, telling him that he quit, he was out of the band, and to get whatever paperwork he needed to sign ready as well as a press release. Then he called his sister.

"Have you heard anything about Ella?" he asked once he'd asked how she was doing.

"Sam called. She has a concussion and a small crack in her cheekbone. He said she was hit by a bottle?" Bec sounded mean.

"Yeah," Bucky said grimly.

"Those Motley fans can be animals, but Sam said that their guitarist and drummer called the hospital to find out if she was ok, which was nice enough. Somehow she fell on glass, though, and she has a bunch of cuts, two which needed stitches. They're going to keep her overnight, and if she's ok tomorrow, she can fly home. It's less than two hours, I think."

"Yeah, a bottle was smashed onstage just before she was hit," Bucky said, still steaming. "Sam might not have seen it, he was on the other side of the stage."

"You know she'll be ok," Bec said. "So what's got you angry?"

"At the festival, we ran into her and Sam poking around the booths. She was talking to Ross Dunaway, we went to school with him and apparently he lives in the area. He was trying to impress his fiancée by saying he dated Ella, she said that it wasn't so much dating as paying him off not to bully her brother and that it ended when he tried to make her give him a hummer. So Steve got pissy on top of everything else. I should have gone around with Erik. Did you know she was dating the bullies?"

"Oh, yeah," Bec said. "Mom and Dad were on the verge of grounding you because you were getting in too many fights and while Ella can win a girl fight, she didn't think she could beat the boys, so she switched tactics. She was kind of worried that she was inviting trouble, but it was the only thing she could think to do to help protect Steve. I didn't like it either, her first kiss wasn't even somebody she wanted to kiss, and that sucked. But Ross had his dick out, wouldn't take no for an answer, so she punched his dick, jumped out of his Trans Am, and ran. Later his mom called her mom and blasted her, apparently Ella was wearing a ring that caused a little damage. Mrs Rogers told her to put an ice pack on it and teach her son not to sexually assault girls. Then his dad got on the phone and Mr Rogers said that if Ross ever laid a finger on either one of his kids he'd sue and the Dunaways would be putting both twins through college, that his daughter wasn't a blow up doll, she had more promise than a would-be rapist, and hung up. Then they talked to El, found out why her social life had picked up so much, and told her she had to stop that. I think Steve was at our house or he'd have heard about it. Then he started growing, finally, a couple months later, and that was that. El called me after the whole drama. That weekend I snuck out, stuck Mom's vegetable knife into all four of Ross's tires and keyed the crap out of the car. He was so mad when he found out, but the Rogers took their kids out of the city for the weekend to cool Ella down so he knew it wasn't her or Steve or Chris."

"You ever tell her?" Bucky, starting to feel better.

"Not for awhile, she needed deniability. Then she felt bad for the car." Bucky snorted.

"So how was your performance?"

"It was good. Onstage, everything was working, the new music was a big hit."

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