The article

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I'll take a wish and a prayer cross my fingers cause I always get by
Some fast talkin' jerk for a dollar wiped the smile off my face
I'm drivin' all night
Just to keep the rat in the race

Cinderella, Gypsy Road

Ella groaned as she stepped off the plane. "I'm so glad we're done," she said.

"No offense, Ella, but I'm going to be glad not to see you for a while," Al said, grinning, as they made their way to the baggage claim. "My fingers need a rest."

"I'll get you a massage expert to sooth the cramps from your performances," she shot back, laughing. The carousel began to spin and the first item of luggage out was her precious guitar, which she snapped up. Al and Sam's luggage got there before Ella's suitcase, so she hugged both men and she and Bucky said goodbye. When she finally got her suitcase, she and Bucky made their way to the taxi line and headed for home, the sun stretching its last fingers of light across the sky.

"What do you want to order for dinner?" Bucky asked as the taxi wended through the streets up to their home.

"Uh...we had all that seafood in Florida, burgers, tacos... I dunno... Chinese? Or is there anything left in the freezer?"

"Sorry, Bella, I cleaned us out of everything but popsicles before I joined the tour," Bucky said.

"That's what it was there for, sweetheart," she said fondly, kissing his cheek. "I'll go shopping tomorrow. Whenever we get up. I'm so happy to be home, sleeping in our own bed tonight." They chatted until the cab pulled up at the gate, and Bucky paid the driver as Ella got their stuff out of the trunk. The rest of Ella's guitars, her personal amps, and Bucky's touring kit were on the truck making its way back to LA. He opened the gate, taking her suitcase so that she was just carrying her guitar, and they spoke about next steps as they trudged up to the house.

"We get a week off, then Bec and Sam's wedding stuff starts," Bucky said.

"I've got some maid of honor stuff next week, but not too much," Ella replied. "Bec is a superstar of planning. She doesn't want a shower, can't really take the time off from work right now, so we're going to have a big bachelorette party. We're going to Vertigo--I called Jim Colachis and got on the guest list. Still gotta make sure I look good enough to get us in--the doorman always checks the shoes first. Maybe I'll get a new pair of Walter Steigers this week. I love that signature curved heel. Maybe a new outfit, something really interesting." Bucky laughed.

"Bella, you're one of the most famous musicians anywhere, let alone LA, you're gorgeous and stylish. They should be panting to let you in." She still looked anxious.

"I just don't want to mess this up for Bec. She's got friends flying in from all over, I want to show them a good time. And you're biased," she said, unlocking the door, setting her guitar case down to turn off the alarm.

"You worry too much. I'm going to dump this stuff in our bedroom. You dig out the menus?"

They made it an early night after dinner and a load of laundry. They slept in the next morning, and Bucky woke up Ella for welcome home sex, after which she was energized and charged out to the grocery store. That afternoon, she had a phone call with Loki and Nick, a debrief about the tour, then... that was it. She was a free woman until the truck got there with their equipment in a few days. Bec called with an invitation to dinner that night. She was chatting a mile a minute about the wedding, reminding Ella and her brother that their parents were coming out a week before the date to stay in their guesthouse, and Ella mentally put making sure it was clean and stocked on her to-do list. Sam started to sweat as his bride ran over everybody's responsibilities.

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