Chapter 36

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I'm really upset now that Zayn left "One Direction" you might not be and you probably don't care, but I had a fucking MELTDOWN. I was screaming as I bawled my eyes out and pulled my hair and threw stuff. I literally thought I was going to kill myself. Ugh.

I ran up into my friend Lucy's arms and cried the next morning at school and I got the dirtiest looks besides from one person.

Yeah, Cole.

I don't understand why he roles his eyes whenever I speak and do anything like answer a god damn question but he gets all sympathetic when I cry and frown and when I'm upset but doesn't care.

In the morning which was french class first thing everyone was being and ass about it so I SCREAMED for this one kid to shut up like I did the next period in science to Cole and his friends for the top of my lungs bc they were being gross and everyone shut right up and looked at me and Cole and his friends were nervously laughing. I started laughing to because they were afraid of me.

And I had to be in his group for something and had to sit next to him and some other kid and h ignored me the whole time. Dick.

But in French that morning he really was like looking at me and it was sorta annoying bc I didn't know what he was thinking.

I ended up skipping every class that day to cry in the bathroom; again. I came back 6th period and it was almost over. We had a half day that day so we got out of school at 12:15 instead of 2:35. Thank god.

I came back for lunch and cried and got the dirtiest looks again and just ran out of the lunch room with only my phone and went back to the bathroom to cry. Ugh.

This sucks.

Like literally I feel like half of me left. It sucks that you can't save the one that saved you.

Know what else happened these past 2 weeks?

He was crying in French. I wonder why and I got me actually really concerned. I've never seen him cry. I wonder what happened. I wonder if anyone else saw?

I guess he said my name during math because I said "really Cole, of course you out of AALLL people have to correct ME."

His friends called me over at lunch one day and they said he was jerking off to me...? I don't really know what that means but I'm not sure if I should feel violated or flattered that he choses me out of all people.

I got a new seat in science pretty much next to him.... Smh. Of course.

In French class we're learning about family and for an example she used his last name and mine I was like oh my god....


Yesterday we had an honors ceremony for our grades and I had to sit one person away from him and lucy and I were laughing at the teachers who dress like prostitutes and he was just looking at me like I'm an idiot. Yeah I am.

I was getting all ready for the lowest honors but I wasn't called up and I was like wait wtf..... So I got called up for the second best honors and he happened to also get it. So we're even bitch.

His mom was at the ceremony and she waved at me and I was like omggg what but she also was giving me dirty looks okay. But I waved back like uh.......

I felt bad for Cole bc he obviously saw his mother wave at the girl who had cops at his house for someone under his name asking me for nudes. Like omg.

He's really confusing. Just the worse. He found my fanpage and started liking my pics and stuff then un liked them. I blocked him from my personal.

The funniest was in L.A. When the teacher wanted me to move to a seat that was empty for a little group work and she wanted me to sit next to Cole and everyone was laughing and our faces were like no no no. No. Noooo. And she was like "What is that a bad idea?"

Literally everyone knows and it's annoying.

This douche named EJ who used to be my "boyfriend" Who was a bitch to me when we "broke up" Cole was actually right in the middle of us when we had a funny fight. That was when we were really close friends.

So EJ asked to talk to me the other day after the honors ceremony when we were going back to class bc he stopped in the hall next to me and he was like "Brianna can I talk to you for a second" and I didn't even look at him I just said "NO." And he was like "woah okay..." So Lucy was next to me when it happened so we were like cracking up when it happened and I told the people who were next to me that I rejected EJ and Cole was there and was like "YOU REJECTED EJ?!?!" I nodded and gave him a dirty look. I give him dirty looks bc he's a bitch.

In math we were measuring our body parts, so me and my 2 friends sorta were being whores and measured our boobs all the way around and he saw me and literally fucking smirked at me and checked me out bc some kid was like "they're measuring there boobs." I hate how he calls me ugly but then tells his friends that my eyes look pretty all the time and he likes when I put makeup on them. And he calls me ugly yet "jerks off" to me. Calls me ugly but checks me out.

Sooooo confusing.

One day this week or something my phone got taken away for taking a pic of a strawberry and it was my bitch health teacher and I started SCREAMING at her and everyone in the classroom heard and I walked back in really fast and I was like I'm not done so I walked back out and ran over to her but my French teacher caught me bc I was gonna attack her and I yelled "YOU WANNA GO?" And I ended up flipping her off and called her a fag. I waked back in and he gave me the biggest smile ever because everyone heard me and thought it was funny.

And then next period in science I was telling someone what happened bc everyone wanted to know and the science substitute was like "okay enough" and I said "I already flipped off a teacher today, you wanna be next?!?" Im really sassy. XD. God.


Thanks guys, I love you all. I wish Cole knew how many people think he's a douche bag :-) I bet I'll have more drama coming since our new seats 😂 follow my Instagram. I'm ALWAYS on @// Hemmingsafx and my personal is
@//Brie.8.4.14 :-) so follow me!!! Please :-) you're all beautiful and worth it!

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