Bottled hate

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Yeonjun's pov

"Thanks," I said.

"You can't change here, Yeonjun," Ryujin said.

"I know I felt her pulse rise, and then mine jumped with hers," I said.

"Let's go inside," She says.

"You should take her home," I said.

"I am," She whispered.

She went in and got ready to leave with her.

"Nabi, I'm sorry for scaring you earlier. I hope you're alright," Beomgyu said.

"No, I'm fine. I was actually more afraid of something else," She said.

"Get her home safe, Ryujin," I said.

She opened the door and they left.

"Have you lost your mind?" Beomgyu said, hitting me.

"I know I almost changed in front of her," I pouted.

"That's not all," He said.

"What?" I asked.

"I read her thoughts while she was fighting and the reason she didn't stop and why her pulse rose up rapidly was because the image of her biological brother's death kept on replaying in her mind" I said.

"Since when could you read thoughts?" I asked.

"A while. All those hits she landed were bottled up emotions that she held in over the years because she has no one to really talk to about it like that. It's hate and fear combined, and not only that, she felt you, and that's what she was talking about before. She scared herself, " he says.

"I scared her," I said.

"If I hang out with her, you have to promise you won't get involved," He said.

"I won't just be near her. it makes me lose control," I said, frustrated.

"Well, you better gain control near her and fast,"

"What the hell are you going off about, Sunghoon?

"I'm leaving town I refuse to get involved in nonsense but those hunters re-opened her families case they are looking for her and are going to try and get her to talk about what she saw that night that they died" He said showing today's news paper.

"her name is on the list of those who are victims to losing their families in so-called animal attacks," Jay said.

"Once Ryujin gets back, you can let her know she's free to leave with us or stay, but if she dies in your hands, I'll kill you myself," He said before they left.

"Typical of him to run away when a dilemma roles in," Beomgyu says.

"he knows what's going to happen. This isn't about us being hunted anymore it's the fact that a war is about to break out, " I said.

"with them or the wolves?" He asked.

"Both, but what's worse is we may have to team up with the wolves"

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