Extra Chapter

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a/n: Hello everybody~! Sorry for the delay. Finally, I felt motivated to work on the promised extra chapter. I'm posting it right around Christmas time so you can treat it as a gift from me to you, readers who were patient enough to wait ( ̄ω ̄) Also, thank you for your support and for enjoying my works, it means a lot. I appreciate your comments and all feedback! 

I included some of the ideas some of you suggested, I hope it satisfies you ( ˙▿˙ ) Also, closer to the end of the chapter there'll be a dirty scene, just warning. I included some drawings at the end of the chapter too.

Special thanks to my beloved HorizonTraveller who helped me a lot with writing it! I love you <3 

Anyways, enjoy reading and merry Christmas! 


I was sleeping over at Nagito's house. It'd already been a while since we parted our ways with his coworkers, the time flew by in the blink of an eye. Even though I knew those guys for just 3 days and they were more of his friends than mine, I somehow missed them nonetheless. They were loud, energetic and an overall sweet bunch of people.

I let out a loud yawn and stretched my arms up while laying down on his bed. He wanted to rest with me, but then his phone rang and he quickly picked it up. "Hi, what's up. It's not often when you call me after work." he sat down next to me and caressed my head lovingly. "Huh? Oh. Sure, I can. Why though?" his voice came off a bit hesitant. I had no idea who he could be talking with and what was all that about. I lazily sat up, resting my back on the bedpost. "Hmm... I don't know if I like the idea, Amami." he looked at me with a displeased expression and frowned. "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll allow it." he sighed with resignation and handed me his phone.

"Huh?" I covered the speaker expecting an explanation. "Amami wants to talk with you." I nodded and spoke to the phone, "Hi, it's Hajime here. Is something the matter?" I smiled. "Hi, sorry for interrupting your day off like that. I want to ask for a favor."

Then he proceeded to explain it to me. It turned out that Mikan had already quitted working at the cafe and began working full-time as a nurse and because of that they were understaffed. It seemed that so far they were doing fine with one waitress less and didn't rush with finding a replacement. However, soon they were going to hold a special event at the cafe which appeared to be quite popular with their customers and Amami thought of asking me to fill in for Mikan on that day. Working with them was a dream opportunity for me so I got hyped up.

"You... don't have to agree, if you don't—" I breathed in and said loudly with determination, interrupting him as a result. "Hell yeah! Of course I want to! I'll be glad to help you guys." I heard a chuckle from Amami. "That's really sweet of you. Thank you. We all really appreciate it." I looked over at Nagito, who for some reason was sulking and didn't seem very joyful about me agreeing to it. Does he really hate the idea of me being there so much? Damn, it kinda hurts. I smiled awkwardly, hoping that I didn't inconvenience Nagito in any way.

"Oh right. There's just one thing you should know. We're holding a crossdressing event this month. Girls will be dressing up as butlers and boys as maids. Are you okay with that?" He asked carefully and I won't lie, this kind of took me aback. I'd never crossdressed before so I wasn't sure if I could pull it off. "Ehh... yeah... I guess." I shrugged. Oh wait. Does it mean that Nagito will be crossdressing too? I'm kinda looking forward to seeing that! I thought to myself. He's really pretty, I'm sure he'll look great.

"That's great to hear. See you tomorrow then and again, thanks a lot." And with that he ended the call and I gave the phone back to its owner. Nagito gave me a disapproving look. "Don't look at me like I did something wrong!" I pouted. "B-but...! Hajime, I can't stand the thought of you wearing something as sexy as that in front of everybody..." He complained. I facepalmed and chuckled, feeling sort of relieved. "So all that sulking and complaining is just because of that? And here I thought you just didn't want me to work alongside you, haha..."

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