Chapter 24

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a/n: I created this chapter with a big help of horizontraveller ! <3 She came up with some ideas for my story and made a manga about them (which honors me a whole lot x//0) and I was basing on her manga in the beginning of this chapter. I'll include 2 manga pages after fragments of my story which describe them~ I hope you'll enjoy reading both manga and the story! 

Also, she wrote part of this chapter! I felt more motivated to work more on my other fanfic so it's all thanks to her that I can update this one so quick, I'm really grateful to her for supporting me and my fanfics so much ♡


We didn't feel like rushing to the café, since we both were carrying quite heavy bags, so we arrived a little late. We noticed a small bus parked in front of the building and a group of people gathered around it and headed towards them.

Before we got close enough for them to hear us, I hesitantly tugged on Komaeda's shirt. "Just.. don't try anything weird on the trip as you promised me, okay..?" my cheeks reddened a bit as I imagined in my head all sorts of things which Komaeda was capable of doing against my will. He smiled at me sadly. "You don't trust me..?" he looked as if he was about to cry and it made feel bad for doubting him.

"N-no, no..! I do. I'm just making sure." I said firmly while averting his gaze. "I know, I know~ I was just teasing you." as I peeked at him secretly I noticed that annoying mocking smirk appearing on his face and slightly regretted feeling bad about not trusting him. "Bastard." I insulted him quietly.

It seemed that the guys noticed us and Komaeda waved at them while smiling widely. "Good morning everyone!" he shouted loudly since we were still a few meters away from them. "Sorry for making you wait!" he said it with a hint of remorse but it didn't seem like he was making a big deal out of arriving late. I still was sulking so I didn't really feel like greeting with anyone. I was just standing by his side with my face turned on the side, arms crossed on my chest, cheeks puffed and eyebrows furrowed, clearly not inviting anyone to greet with me.

Komaeda went to greet with his coworkers so I followed him but before he managed to say anything, a guy with green, wavy hair approached us in rush and said while raising voice, "You're late! 5 minutes more and we'd leave without you!" it appeared to me as if he was the one managing the trip's organisation and it probably was the case.

Komaeda chuckled at me and then said to him. "Sorry, I have one hell of a tsundere boyfriend!" he said to the guy who just smiled back at him with understanding. Blaming me, huh? That Komaeda.. making me come here against my will, unbelievable! And who are you calling a tsundere?! It made me feel even as salty.

"Thank Mikan we're still here. If it wasn't for her, we'd already leave without you." he seemed pretty serious about it so I guess we really should've been grateful to her. It's not like I'm looking forward to the trip though. Maybe it'd be better if they left without us..

"Hi, Mikan!" Komaeda's voice sounded very cheerful. "Hi, Komaeda!" The girl who he had just greeted with was definitely that waitress who happened to spill my beloved orange juice on me in the café long time ago. She had shorter hair now and was wearing a cute, summer outfit. "Thanks for holding them back." it was apparent in his voice that he was really grateful to her and appreciated her doing. "You look cute by the way." he stated sweetly and she seemed flattered to hear that.

"Make up for it tonight with your food and we'll be even!" she brushed it off. "I'm going ahead." said the guy from before.

" said the guy from before

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