Chapter 18 + special

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a/n: The special is *drum rool* Hinata in the makeup, which Ko has put on his face in the last chapter, I hope you like it (thank you HorizonTraveller for the idea. I hope especially you like it even tho it's just a quick digital idk even what <3) 

 I hope especially you like it even tho it's just a quick digital idk even what <3) 

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Let's get back to the story c:  

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Let's get back to the story c:  


Nagito and I were walking ahead together. He was holding onto my hand very tight, it felt bad and good at the same time. Bad because it made me feel overmuch conscious about my sweating hand (oh god, believe me I was scared that he'd think I'm disgusting by sweating so much), and good because... it honestly felt like the most romantic moment of my life, like a scene from a cliché romance movie reserved for teenage girls only. How was it possible that I was there—walking hand in hand with a really handsome white haired man, who was totally my type—on something that couldn't be anything else than a date..?

I smiled unconsciously. "Haha.. that's so weird." I said to myself, while staring into distance.

Komaeda stopped walking making me feel plainly confused. "I-Is it..?" he stuttered a short question; his features slowly showing how awfully distressed he was. "I bet it is... being here with me... someone who is just disgusting. Hahaha.." he looked down, his lips turned into a small yet disturbing smile.

"You're not..." I wanted to soothe him, cheer him up. He looked at me, his eyes were widened so much that I wondered if it was even healthy.

"Hajime. Poor Hajime.." he smiled creepily. I inched away from him feeling that he was about to start talking weird shit once again. "Didn't you say that it seems wired? Me and you.. going out somewhere together as if we were a happy couple..? Didn't you say it, Ha-nhhnhg..!" I put my hands on both of his cheeks and added some pressure making him unable to speak and as a side effect also to look a bit funny. I chuckled at the sight of Komaeda's face looking adorable as fuck, while being enveloped with my tanned hands.

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