Chapter 12

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a/n: I hope you'll like the explanation concerning their first meeting :3 I added a fanart of them (not mine-) bc I thought that it'd help you to imagine things better!

I can be adding, suitable to the plot, fanarts of them in every chapter. I'm not sure, if it's a good idea tho 🤔

I think I updated twice this day, so the next chapter will appear the following week!


When I was an 8-year-old, I broke my leg and was forced to spend a few days in a hospital. Those days were really boring and I craved for at least a little bit of entertainment. My family gave me some books, but as a kid I used to be an ignorant towards literature, so I really didn't feel reading them. And that was exactly when someone caught my eye; a boy that was laying in a hospital bed next to me. He didn't talk to anyone, excluding nurses and doctors, so for the most of the time he was just staring expressionless at the ceiling and one day out of boredom I decided to talk to him.

"Hey." he didn't even turn his head in my way which made me annoyed. I used to be an impatient kid (and not much has changed; now I'm an impatient adult). "Heeey.." I sat at the edge of my bed, while being aware that I needed to be cautious with my broken leg. His puzzled eyes met with mine. "What do you want from me?" the boy asked, while sitting up. I was astonished by his hair, it looked extremely fluffy and seemed to collide with his character. His grumpy, depressed look really didn't seem to suit his cute face and hair. "Nothing.. you're the only kid in the whole hospital and I'm really bored, so please.. could you play with me?" I smiled awkwardly, while the boy sighed. "A bit?" I added.

He looked at me pleadingly. "Leave me alone, I beg you." he said and laid back on the bed.

"Arghh.. fine!" I pouted and laid on my own bed. I was pissed that he didn't want to play with me. "I-I won't ever say a word to you!" I shouted loudly gaining attention of all the nurses and patients in the hospital room which only deepened my embarrassment. The boy didn't seem to care, my words couldn't mean less to him.

I was sulking for a whole day, but soon I gave up upon it. Boredom was unbearable.

"Hey, heeeey, heeeeeeey..." I kept repeating myself for what felt like 10 minutes. I knew that I was most likely annoying not only him, by everyone else as well, but it didn't matter to me. I was a selfish kid who didn't care what others thought or could think about me.


No matter how much I repeated myself, I didn't get any response. So I decided to just talk to him leaving aside the fact that he probably wouldn't even listen to me. "Well.. I'm Hajime Hinata, if you were interested, but you're obviously not... anyway. You know.. I'm here only for a few days, but I'm already bored. Nurses turn on only some boring news on the TV, bring us only disgusting food and no sweets... and I dunno what to do.. ehh.. I'm so boooored..." I sighed, while looking up at the ceiling and closing my eyes. "And you won't respond, huh? Am I that annoying..?" silence followed my question, but I continued anyway, since I was craving for anyone's accompany. "Y'know what's the worst? My parents brought me ONLY books! Books! I am a kid... books are nothing more than tones of boring scribbles to me.. and unluckily those are only some-" I suddenly heard a chuckle.

"W-what was that?" I opened my eyes widely and looked at the boy. I heard a chuckle once again. He was laying on the bed in the way that he was facing me. He hid his face in his hands, his cheeks became slightly pink. "O-oh.. forgive me." he said, while calming down his laugh, "You're just too funny." the boy said softly.

"..." I pursed my lips, but I didn't sulk for even half of a minute, since I was kind of excited that I finally had gotten some response from the grumpy boy. "You can talk normally, huh?" I said with teasing voice.

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