Chapter 5

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a/n: It'd motivate me a lot if you voted or/and left a comment, n-no pressure tho ;///; I hope you'll enjoy the chapter~ Also there is some slight background relationship (Souda x Sonia), but this is a komahina fic, so don't expect them having much time in my story xD  

I woke up very early in the morning, but I let myself lay in the bed and do nothing till the very noon. Well.. I actually wasn't doing nothing. I can't stop thinking about.. Komaeda. Saying his name even just in my head felt somehow weird. I... am truly scared of what will happen next. But I'm more scared of myself. Why have I accepted the fact of someone stalking me so easily? I sighed. And why am I somehow waiting forward to the things that may happen..? I needed some distraction. I needed to come back to my senses. I was getting as mad as that guy...

I eventually decided to call Souda. "Hey.. what are you doing?" There was a short pause, before he answered me. "Oh! Great timing, dude. Wanna hang out with me and Sonia? I mean.. we're going to a cafe, but I feel too nervous to be there on my own... I-I can't be alone there with her! My heart won't take it-" I laughed. 

"Calm down, calm down.. you're talking too fast. Sure, I'll go there with you, no problem." I actually thought that it was a good way to get myself distracted.

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. As soon as I looked into the mirror I realized that there was something on my neck. I tried to wipe it off, but... it wasn't possible. D-don't tell me... did that guy make me a hickey..? I blushed madly. And what's more.. he made it in a very visible place.. he had to do it purposely. I frowned angrily, but I actually felt more embarrassed than angry. I hoped that no one would notice it. I've never been in any relationship, so how would I explain this hickey, if I needed to..? Th-that a psycho stalker broke into my house and we just well..... ended up kissing?! The blush on my face was getting stronger. F-fuck.. that sounds as if I was the one who's crazy, I don't want Souda to think I'm a freak.

I quickly dressed up adjusting the collar of my shirt; the hickey wasn't that noticeable anymore. As soon as I got ready, I went to the cafe to meet with Souda and Sonia.

They were already waiting for me. Souda waved at me, when he noticed that I came into the cafe. "Hey, Hajime! We're over here!" he shouted. I smiled friendly and sat next to him. The girl with blonde hair smiled warmly at me. "Nice to meet you in person. I'm Sonia Nevermind, I believe you're Hajime, right?" I shook hands with her. "Yes, nice to meet you too.." I smiled back at her. I looked over Souda. I've never seen him so nervous, he must really love that girl. I patted his back to give him some courage. After that Souda gained some more confidence and then they were talking and talking.. I wasn't really interested in their conversation to be honest.

I couldn't stop thinking about that damn stalker. "Dude.. are you here?" Souda waved his hand before my eyes. "O-oh yes.. I am, sorry." I yawned and stretched my hands a bit. I didn't realize that my collar wasn't covering the mark anymore. "D-dude..? What is that red thingy on your neck? A hickey?" my cheeks heated up. "I didn't know that you have a girlfriend.." I hid the mark behind the collar nervously. "B-because I don't have one!" I sighed. "It's nothing.. just a wound, okay?" pink haired man frowned, while I was doing my best to brush the topic off by trying to give him the most convincing smile ever.  

Sonia clapped all of sudden. "If you don't have a girlfriend then.. maybe you have a boyfriend?" her eyes lighted up in excitement. I hid my face into my hands. "Oh Gosh.. A-AS IF. NO." I tried to not looked pissed, but I was. I couldn't think about the stalker as my boyfriend. Just thinking about it was making me feel weird. Couples usually are cute and all lovely-dovey, but our "relationship" was more like from a horror movie.

Luckily for me Souda and Sonia were quite considering and didn't press the topic more than I felt comfortable with. Actually from now on they were just enjoying their little date, while I was being in the position of a third wheel. I wasn't mad or anything, but it was boring. Really boring. I felt happy for them, but it wasn't enough to make me distracted nor happy.

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