Chapter 17

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Those ten minutes of waiting for him to go back to me were the longest ones in my life. I was just really excited to see how he was going look in the kimono. I was basically sitting on the couch with my chin supported on my hands and smiling creepily, while anticipating him. My leg was stamping nervously as if I was a fiancé  waiting to see his wife in a wedding dress for the very first time. I might've been feeling overly excited, but I couldn't help it; he was going to wear something I had chosen for him after all.  

My leg stopped the motion as soon as I heard him. "Na.. Nagito..?" a hesitant voice came out of the bathroom. He seemed to be unsure about something, maybe even ashamed to some point. 

I sprang up from the couch. "Y-yes?" if I was an anime character blood would be running down from my nose, I was just so worked up. 

"Could you.. erm.. help me a bit? I can't tie that obi thing..." his voice seemed cutely embarrassed and frustrated. I chuckled. 

"With pleasure~" I approached the door, my hands were shaking from excitement. Only a bit though as I was rather good at hiding my overflowing emotions. To think that my love dressed up for me.. heheh... hehe.. I'm so lucky! I opened the door and saw Hajime wearing the clothing and struggling to tie up the previously mentioned obi. "Ha.. Hajime." blood ran down from my nose. It seemed that it could happen in the real life too surprisingly. I had wiped the blood away, before he could even notice it.

He frowned, a blush was visible on his cheeks. "W-what.. do I look that bad..?" he said, while pursing his lips and giving me a questioning look.

"N-no! Just the opposite! You look so.. gorgeous. I-I.. can't believe that what I see isn't just another dream of mine. Hajime, it suits you way better than me!" I closed the distance between us and traced my hands down his abs making him shiver. "Don't make fun of me.." he sighed. "I really don't look that good-"

"H-Hajime.." I repeated his name mesmerized by how glorious he looked in the simple clothing and shocked that he thought otherwise. "You look so good that you're making me want to take you to my bed and fuck you until my strength will leave me." I said completely serious and honestly thought hearing it would make him accept my compliment. His face became all red, with a slight crimson tinge to it, probably because he was plainly taken-aback by my words but mostly because he was just mad at me.

"You're the worst..." he scowled at me, while his blush quickly faded away. "Can't you just pretend to be a bit romantic and normal from time to time? Is it that hard...?" his facial expression was showing clear disappointment.

"Do you hate me now?" I tilted my head while taking the obi from him and helping him to tie it up around his slim waist. "I'd hate me too, if I were you.." I let out a muffled chuckle since I've already hated myself, so it wouldn't change a thing. I finished tying up the thing and sank my hand into his hair breathing in its unusual scent, which I loved more than any other existing scent. 

Since I was done with the obi I took a makeup set, that was laying abandoned on the floor as I hadn't been using it lately, and asked with my eyes for a permission to use the cosmetics. He gave me it by nodding. "But still.. you're bearing everything. You're putting up with someone like me." I continued.

He flinched at my words. I could feel it as my hands were still in a contact with his gorgeous body. "You know very well that I don't hate you. I'm just.. a bit disappointed right now." he sighed (he tended to sigh a lot), meanwhile I took out a cream out of the set and started putting it carefully on his face enjoying massaging it and the fact that our faces were practically just a few inches away from each other. God I was so glad that I used to be interested in makeup once and still had that set in my bathroom. 

"Oh, really?" my voice came off as innocent. I took a mascara and put it on his long lashes adding them even more length. He surely was not happy that I forced him to all that makeup facade but I was sure I would please him with the effect. "I think you're secretly enjoying me being a bold pervert." I sneered. My assumptions were totally right, I could see it. Hajime was a sincere guy after all. Even when he tried to lie the effects were usually pretty poor. I loved that about him; teasing him was addicting. 

He wanted to say something but I placed a finger on his parted lips "Shhh.. wait." and placed my hand firmly under his chin in order to put some lipstick on his lips, making them look even more soft and kissable. The colour was subtle and just perfect for him. I looked proudly at my job, blushing because he looked ideal. Like an actor who could play a rule of a beautiful ghost or a god. His beauty was something heavenly.  

I took him by a hand and started dragging him behind me, softly though as I always try to treat him gently with affetion. "You're fine to go now, right?" I smiled in a very clear excitement.

"Go where? To your bed..?" he smirked.

I stopped walking. "..well. You surely are good at tempting me. If you want it so bad, we can go there here and now. Because you know very well that I would love to, right?~" I faced him and not wasting time enveloped his body with my arms holding tight onto his waist.

I looked deep into his eyes. I had been wondering since always what colour they had. Yellow? Green? Maybe a mix? Probably olive.. I loved them exactly because of their incomparable look.

"But... I am patient. Don't worry though. I won't let the chance to fuck you in this outfit out of my hands so easily.. but for now, let's just enjoy our romantic date, fine?" my expression was once again purely innocent. I didn't see anything bad in what I said after all. Despite the fact that I didn't, he obviously did, because he made that kind of face once again. As if there was something wrong with me... maybe there was. Who knows? As long as he accepted me I didn't feel the need to change myself in any way... 

And.. of course, I knew that he wanted me as much as I wanted him and it was making me feel butterflies in my stomach.


a/n: Yay another boring chapter xD At least I think it lacks something... Btw I'm working on yet another new komahina story (the fic has already 13k of words) ~ It'll be a detective story with a slow burn romance. I'm a big fan of detective stories, so I really felt like writing at least one in my life.

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