Extra Chapter 2

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a/n: Hello, it's been a while! I hope you all are doing fine. I'm giving this story some of my attention again, perhaps out of nostalgia. The extra chapter below is a christmas related what if story. Call it a "what if Christmas were taking place after the events from 5 chapter".

I proof read it to fix a few mistakes since I'd written it years ago and didn't post it here, because it's messed up but this whole story is so it doesn't matter at this point. Tell me your thoughts if you'd like. Sorry for any mistakes I missed in advance. Later I'll post another extra chapter with some aftermath of the actual events of this story which I hope will bring some sanity into their relationship. 

No sanity in this extra chapter tho lol

On the side note, it's getting to me that I wrote a lot of questionable things in this story and though I know some of you liked this story even so, I've doubted myself for a long time whether I'm absolutely bonkers for writing it the way I did. If I am, that's fine, at this point I'll just embrace being a weird writer. Anyway, I do acknowledge that I touched on some heavy subjects in a poor way so I do apologize if there's anyone who genuinely felt bad after reading something I wrote.

I started writing hoping to brighten up your day (you = anybody who'd read) and my intentions haven't changed since. That's it, have a nice read and a good day! 

 Warning!! | R18 content; no smut but beware of disturbing content


I woke up with a little headache. I wondered if it was because I'd been worrying about what my stalker would be up to for this Christmas; I could expect literally anything. Being tied up with a red ribbon in my sleep, waking up in a huge present box with a little tag 'for Komaeda' and put underneath a Christmas tree or even being forced to wear some sexy Christmas underwear, all because of letting my guard down when he would give me something which would look like a candy, but actually it'd be a drug and–

I groaned. How the fuck did I come up with all these crazy ideas... ughh... even he wouldn't go that far, would he? I laughed at myself and brushed my teeth as part of my morning routine, fixed my hair, dressed up, ate a usual for me breakfast (eggs with bacon, small toast and a glass of orange juice), went to the living room, saw a small piece of paper, probably a gift card or something and laid down on a couch because I started feeling sleepy...

"Huh. What the–" I didn't recall seeing it there the previous day. I stood up and picked it up, my curiosity getting unbearable.

"Dear Hajime,

I know you've planned to spend your Christmas alone and so have I. But I don't want you to be alone. It'd be sad... and I want to make you happy. I don't know if my presence will be warmly welcomed at your place"

I raised one eyebrow. "Definitely not. You're a fucking stranger who invites himself on their own not caring what the host thinks of it..." I sighed and kept reading.

"but even so I'll show up around the evening with a little present for you. I have no intention in interrupting your time, I know my place, but I need to show you that I care. That I love you. That I need you more than anything else... I want you to know how I feel. And that's actually all. Sorry for writing so much, it's fine if you won't read it!

Sincerely Nagito."

"Well. That wasn't as bad as I'd expected... haha." I wiped away some of the sweat from my forehead. "He just wants to give me a gift... isn't it kind of nice of him?" I wondered. I was treating the stalker as a rather not sane, not really nice person who dared to interrupt my normal life more than frequently. This sudden letter, decorated with sweet hearts and candy canes, made my heart skip a beat though. I wasn't one to celebrate Christmas much but I envied people who were in good enough touch with their family to celebrate it with their families. Spending it with Souda was out of question too since he usually was at a Christmas party with Sonia and her friends (on which I was invited, but since I hated parties, I had never gone to any).

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