Chapter 7

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Komaeda's POV

I-I can't believe.. Is it real? Am I really laying in Hajime's bed? And like.. he let me to sleep here, I didn't force myself on him!

...this time.

Ahhh~ I giggled happily, some tears of happiness fell from my eyes. I kept staring at his back trying to observe every little detail about him. His hair was dark brown, spiky.. a bit messy; it was just adorable. I reached my hand to feel it, but stopped in the midway remembering that he wouldn't be happy, if I touched him.

I couldn't tell how long I was looking at him, but he seemed to be already sleeping deeply. His breath was heavy. I found myself wanting to see his face, but I couldn't, which made me a bit sad.

I slowly let my eyes to close. I would fall asleep, if I didn't feel something warm pressing against my chest. It was Hajime. He probably turned on the other side and accidentally bumped into me. My heart thumped so loud that it was even a bit hurtful, wide blush spread through my pale face like a wildfire. 

I hesitently looked at his sleeping face. His eyes were shut tightly, his cheeks a bit rosy.. he was breathing through his mouth softly, in steady pace. Some drool was running down from his soft, parted lips. I wiped it away. "H-Hajime.." I smiled lovingly. I couldn't contain my overwhelming happiness. I wrapped my hands around his back and pressed him closer to me enjoying the warmth of his body, his smell, his breath against my chest.. enjoying everything I could. It was the greatest blessing that I could even be by his side. 

That he... let me to stay with him, regardless me being nothing more than a disgusting stalker who plainly couldn't stop admiring his beauty and kindness. "Nagito.." he said softy into my chest. I felt as his lips were moving, when he was saying my name in his sleep which made me feel warmer; the warmth was so intense that it almost felt as if my insides were burning.  

I felt hopeful. I thought that I really may have a chance with him. I felt excited, my cheeks were heating up more and more. H-he may.. someday start to like me back! I can't wait for that moment. How is it to be loved by someone who you love..? Am I worth my feelings to be returned one day? Ahh.. I want him to love me no matter what. I want to have him.. I want him. So much..! I hugged him tighter, he murmured something, but didn't wake up.

Soon I fell asleep with a happy smile on my face.

- a few hours later -

"N-Nagito! You bustard, wake up and let go of me!" I opened my eyes hesitantly. I was still holding Hajime tightly in my hands which brightened up my mood. "Ahh, good morning~" he frowned and growled, he looked really mad. "Mhm.. good morning..." he said cynically. "I told you not to touch me!" he said while clenching his teeth. 

I couldn't contain myself, so I chuckled. "Oh, yes.. you did." I pondered for a moment, while he started shifting and moving in my hands, probably with the intention to get away, but that way he wouldn't achieve anything. Though.. it looked kind of temping. "B-but- it was you who touched me first, what could I do..?" I looked at him with puppy eyes barely holding back from smiling sneakily.  

"Arghh.. I dunno.." he placed his hand on his forehead visibly irritated, "Push me away?" I inhaled sharply, "I-I could never push you away, Hajime! I'm not capable of it!!" I pouted.

He groaned. "Anyway.. don't think I believe you. I would never touch you, that is not possible." he released himself from my embrace forcefully. I sat up and tilted my head. "Oh.. you not only touched me~" I smiled happily.

His eyes went blank. "W-what. What else did I 'do'?" he frowned, his voice was cold, but nervous at the same time. 

"Y-you.. said my name in your sleep." I blushed and started giggling like a little kid. I won't ever forget it.. I wonder what was he dreaming about? Hinata looked down, I couldn't see his face. "Pffft. A-as if.. you must've misheard me.. I probably said something like... e-ehhh.." there had been a long silence between us, before he spoke once again, "dammit! I have no idea what I said back then, but it wasn't your name for sure!" he turned on the other side hiding under bed covers. "Go away.. it's already morning and I don't feel rested at all. Because. Of. You." he ended sharply. "Night." he gave me a clear sign to give him some private space, so I swiftly stood up from the bed.


a/n: Happy New Year!! I can't believe it's already 2018.. :0 Well- anyway. I hope you liked the chapter. I'll post the next one soon <3 

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