Chapter 19

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a/n: Before you read the chapter, I REALLY want to thank you for 1k reads, over 100 votes and tons of comments-- God!! I feel honored that my work is appreciated here ;///; *feel huged* I hope you'll enjoy reading!


I was laying on the soft grass and slowly falling asleep since the night was very warm and windless. I didn't bother to look over Komaeda, but I was sure that he enjoyed this simple moment we shared as much as me; beautiful fireworks, the smell of sweet caramel and apples, sounds of crowd in the background.. it all created a really pleasing atmosphere.

Suddenly I felt something crawling on top of my hand. It was.. warm? To some point.. I couldn't tell, though, it was for sure something living. My eyes widened. It could be literally anything- some bug, it might've been just a blade of grass that was constantly brushing over my hand (it was a subtle touch, but not that much, so it had to be something else) or.. it could be a spider. A fucking spider. God. I didn't want to look at my hand (after imagining in my head a black, hairy, ugly creature with small red eyes) and see it for myself, but it was crawling higher now, onto my wrist.. the touch was slight and barely noticeable, it must've been some ugly ass spider. I was so sure of it. It was.. uhm.. very weird feeling. The thing moved pretty fast along my arm, God, it was giving me chills.

I couldn't bear it anymore, so as a result I sprang up while screaming loudly as if someone was trying to kill me. I grabbed myself by my head letting out a startled whimper and kneeling on the ground.

"H-Hajime..?" Komaeda asked trying to gain some of my attention. He lifted up on his elbows and sat up, soon making his way towards me, his hand gently patted my head. "What's wrong?" he said with concern while frowning. I looked at him, his head was slightly tilted on the side as his eyes gazed into mine puzzled.

"S-s...sp.. " I tried to spell the word, which I was repeating over and over in my thoughts, feeling comically frightened. "Th-there's a fucking spider hiding somewhere in the grass and it tried to crawl onto my hand, Na-" I was taken-aback when I heard his devious laugh. "Why the fuck are you laughing.." I said more to myself, while looking down frustrated. His laugh was devious yet cheerful, it was hard to put in words, but it felt as if he was plainly mocking me.

I hugged my knees tighter still feeling somewhat endangered by the possibility of a small, hairy who-knows-what attacking me at any moment.

"There's no spider...~" he said while brushing my hair away from my face trying to achieve eye contact with me. His gaze was so innocent yet fucking annoying at the same time. He had known something that I didn't. As always.

"W-what the heck..? I swear, I felt it-" he mirrored me sitting in the same way with his legs positioned on either side of me and resting his chin on his arms, while looking at me from below.

"God.. Hajime." he smirked at me, his eyes were somehow calming me down in a weird way. "I was just trying to hold hands with you... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." he smiled apologetically, but somewhere deep down I knew he wasn't sorry for it at all. That bustard. Still.. "However, my hands are pretty disgusting, so maybe you weren't that wrong after all.." he put a finger on his bottom lip, while looking up in the night sky.

I grabbed his hand making him to jolt at the sudden touch. It was soft and very subtle.. he had no hair on his arms, and his hand was almost angelic, similar to porcelain, God, how could I mistake his gorgeous hand for something as disgusting as a spider? There's no way I would mistake it- I frowned deeply slowy coming to a conclusion. "Nagito.. were you trying to s.. scare me?" I asked unsurely. "Did you fucking do it on purpose..?" I scowled and he smirked even wider in response.

"Who knows? Haha." his smile was revealing his inner evil. "If I did scare you on purpose would you punish me or take revenge in some way..?" he raised one eyebrow, while placing his hand on my knee drawing circles with his finger on my thigh and making me crazy. His eyes were tinted with curiosity that could come off as an innocent one, but I knew that nothing about Nagito Komaeda was innocent, except for his angelic looks.

Revenge? It actually sounds like a good plan... I breathed in deeply trying to not to smirk. I wanted to scare him too, he deserved that. I pushed him down, while getting on top of him and giving him the most furious glare I only could pull off. "You'll be begging me to stop it in less than a minute... God, I swear." I said while holding him firmly by his shoulders adding some pressure to make him think that I'm really mad at him.

"H-Huh..?" he blushed slightly. His eyes stared into mine in quite startled yet anticipating way. I smiled fulfilled, his expression was good.

"Prepare yourself, because I won't go easy on you-" I slid my hand under his jacket. The way I was straddling him, smiling at him madly and speaking harsh words directly into his ear was just a part of a game. I wanted to egg him on and then don't give him anything he'd expect.

I was surprised when a muffled moan left his lips from all the shifting I did above him, he surely was a needy boy. But I wasn't going to satisfy him, oh no, not today (a/n: this sentence reminds me of that one BTS song haha).

I looked him straight into eyes savouring his excited and surprised expression and placing my both hands on his waist and then- I started tickling him madly. He was laughing so hard and his laugh was so fucking adorable, like.. he totally didn't expect that from all possible scenarios. Tickling him was lots of fun and a playful smirk was literally plastered to my face through all the time. I soon had to stop though, because his face got really red from both laughing too hard and embarrassment. I giggled to him and so he did. But still before I had stopped tickling him I heard a familiar voice, "Uhm.. Hajime..? Is it you?" I guessed from the voice that it was Souda.

My cheeks turned crimson as I realized that the situation looked pretty bad; I was straddling Komaeda, whose legs were kind of wrapped around me, my kimono was pretty messed-up as he 'unconsciously' tugged on it multiple times in the middle of my revenge and we both were panting and even sweating. Oh my God.

I wanted to stand up, but that bustard, noticing what I wanted to do, wrapped his legs even tighter around me making me unable to escape and letting out a devious chuckle.

"O-Oh.." not knowing what to do I pulled Komaeda into a deep kiss. I thought that I'd rather pretend that I wasn't who Souda assumed I was. And it probably worked, because I heard the sound of footsteps getting farther and farther away. I sighed in relief, but then Komaeda kissed me back, biting into my lip teasingly and smiling like the most innocent kid. I looked back and saw Souda and Sonia in a kimono. God, hers was pretty similar to mine. If they both recognised me I don't know how would I explain them the reason to why I was wearing a female kimono.

Komaeda winked to me. "You don't need to thank me, Hajime." he caressed my bottom lip with his thumb. He was such a dick.

"As if I would!" I glared at him angrily, while my lips turned into a small pout and my cheeks grew a slightly red tinge.

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