Chapter 13

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a/n: ehhh so.. I guess you shouldn't read this chapter, if you're not really into smut. You can always skip it and read the next chapter, righ-..not. The next chapter won't be better. Welll anyway. I hope it won't be too bad and that someone will vote or maybe even leave a nice comments about this.. uhm.. "masterpiece" haha (I have no shame-)


I was staring at the clover a bit too intense making Komaeda worried. "Hajime, is something wrong?" I quickly snapped out of my trance and blushed, while placing the clover back to its place. "Mhm? N-no, no! I'm fine. Really. It's nothing.." I smiled weakly and put the book on the desk.

"Well.. if you say so." he said hesitantly and started heading out of the room. My heart thumped nervously. I grabbed Komaeda by his shirt not giving it much thought. "..wait." I said quietly, while looking down. "Huh?" Komaeda stopped and turned to me. "W-wait, please.. I... I want to ask you something." my head was in mess. "One small thing." I swallowed down feeling something heavy on my heart.

He looked at me warmly, "Ask me about as many things as you only wish, Hajime." he grabbed my hand softly, "But.. let's talk in some more proper place, alright?" he had waited for my nod, before he leaded me back to the living room.

We were just sitting and not looking in each other eyes for a longer while building up a quite tense atmosphere between us. "Nagito-" I started, but he let out his voice at the same time, "Hajime- uhh.. I-I'm really sorry!" he brushed his hair awkwardly, his cheeks tinted with some bright pink. "I didn't mean to interrupt you.. go on first." he let out a sheepish chuckle.

I took a deep breath, while trying to look for some right words which would express my worries to him properly. I felt the need to tell them to him in order to get rid of that heavy feeling, which was growing unbearable with every past minute,  inside of my chest. "I've remembered you," Nagito's eyes sparkled, "b-but before you'll say anything, let me finish, okay?" he nodded and focused his eyes on me as if he was trying to read every bit of me. I frowned slightly and bit into my lip, "Tell me, why do you care about me so much..?" Komaeda tilted his head confused, "Because I love you.." he smiled lovingly.

I blushed, "I-I know it already, idiot! It's just that... in the past I didn't do anything special? I was just a kid who talked to you a bit too much, because I was bored? I-I.. am talentless, boring, there's nothing-"

All of sudden tears started running down Komaeda's face stopping me from talking bad about myself. "You're not, Hajime! You're definitely not!" he took a deep breath, "I've watched you through way longer than just these few months, so I know it more than anyone else..! I remember how hard you were learning in high school and how stressful it was for you. One look at your face was telling me more than enough. Your parents divorced, you hardly ever had anyone beside Souda to support you.. but you've never given up!" he smiled widely, his eyes were filled with admiration, "Even though the world around you was nothing more than despair, you seemed like a light in the dark. A light that had its own source that has never dimmed." his cheeks started growing red, he grabbed my hand softly, "I-In the past as a kid I was admiring the hope that was sleeping inside of you, but when I realized after years that we had been attending the same school, my eyes were always seeking for you. I wanted you and I still do. You are truly my hope and someone very special to me... I know that I'm creepy and that I am definitely expecting too much from you. That's why I'm fine with just being next to you.. if I could ask for a one thing.. please... don't throw me away..!" he started sobbing, his eyes were getting puffy from shedding too many tears. 

I sighed, stood up from the couch and pulled him into a hug not without hesitation. "I-I won't, so don't cry." I patted his back. "I'm happy!" he sniffled and rubbed his head against my chest, "H-Hajime.. I love you." I flinched a bit being surprised by his sudden confession. "A-aha.. thank you." I blushed still not being used to hearing those two words and was glad that he wasn't looking at me at the moment.

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