Chapter 2

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Stalker's POV

I stood before his door and started lock picking it. I wasn't good at such things, but I was lucky enough to make the door open each and every time. It seems that even fate wants us to be together, hehe~

I quietly closed the door after myself and stood before Hinata's bed looking down at his sleeping face, while smiling warmly. I reached my hand to his dark hair, but stopped it midway. I wanted to touch him, feel the warmth of his skin, feel how it feels to kiss him.. but I contained myself. If he woke up, while being kissed by some guy, who had just broken into his house, he definitely would call the police.

And if that happened.. in the best scenario I would be restricted from even trying to get near him. 

I bit my lip painfully, I felt tears running down my face. No! I-I need to see Hajime every day! I sobbed. I need him.. he's my everything... I want him. I smiled lovingly at him. The fact that he doesn't remember who I am, doesn't stop me. "Hajime, I love you..~" I whispered to his ear and went to his bathroom.

Hinata's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night. Sweat was pouring out of me excessively, as if I had a fever, but I didn't. I didn't. I just.. had a weird dream. In this dream there was nothing more than darkness. That wasn't weird itself. What was weird, was what I heard.

I heard a voice.. soft, melodic voice humming something quietly into my ear. 

It sounded.. creepy, but cute? I remembered hearing my own name and some light footsteps too. Huh.. strange dream.

I went back to sleep not bothering myself too much with it. It was just a dream, wasn't it? I smiled a bit, closed my eyes and cuddled up to my pillow.

When the morning light poured into my room, I opened my eyes lazily. I didn't feel like standing up. My bed was so.. comfy and fluffy. But I had to stand up. Unfortunately, I had to go to my job soon.

I went to the bathroom and stood before the mirror. There was some red dirt on it. I couldn't focus my eyes on it, because I still felt somehow tired and not aware. I washed my face with some icy cold water and looked at the mirror once again. The "dirt" wasn't plain dirt actually. Dirt doesn't form into words, I think.. I still wasn't really conscious, I wasn't a morning person after all. Maybe.. my brain is just playing tricks on me? I laughed awkwardly and washed my face yet again. Then the moment of realization came to me out of blue. 

Weird dream. Bizarre yet endearing voice of a stranger. Footsteps. The dirt on my mirror. It all could be simply explained with one word - Stalker.

H-holy fuck.. I still had my face in the stream of cold water. I quickly took it out of it and nervously dried my face with a towel. I was curious about that so called dirt.

There was written at the edge of the mirror: Good morning, Hajime. I hope you have slept well ♡

The heck. A-as if good morning... not when I found your message. I suddenly realized something scary. Was that person.... looking at me in the night? Like.. o-observing..? My eyes widened. I imagined someone standing next to my bed and just looking at me. For how long were they doing it? Hour, two, three? Through all the night? I felt a cold shiver running down my spine. I breathed in and out to calm down. I-it's fine.. I'm fine. Everything WILL be fine.

When I managed to get a grip I looked once again at the words.

They are written with.. I touched the message unsurely. With a crimson red lipstick. That made me think that the stalker was a girl actually. "A girl, huh..." I pondered for a moment and used all of my deduction skills or at least tried to. 

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