Chapter 9

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The rest of the day was boring, yet peaceful. I spent most of it on watching some films and eating random food found in the depths of my fridge. I somewhat was missing Komaeda's accompany. In some weird way that I couldn't understand. Maybe it was just that.. with him even the simplest acts like waking up or eating a breakfast seemed intriguing. I wasn't aware of it, but I really enjoyed every minute with him, even when he scared the crap out of me.

And so I spent my yet another day off on thinking about Nagito, even though I didn't intend to spend so much time on thinking about that psycho stalker guy. He probably was tempering with my head. Maybe he hypnotized me or something... who knows. I laughed awkwardly and laid down on my bed. It was already after midnight, so I thought that getting some sleep was a way better idea than filling my head with Nagito. I undressed myself staying only in my underwear and a loose shirt. 

I covered myself wholly with the sheets and closed my eyes for what seemed like a minute or a two, but it actually could be way longer.

Suddenly I opened my eyes sensing someone's presence next to me.

Nagito was laying very close to me brushing his fingers casually through the strands of my hair. He was giggling to me.. I groaned and closed my eyes without further worries.

My brain slowly processed the situation.

I blinked a few times making sure, if I wasn't just dreaming and then opened them widely. Nagito is in my bed..... huh... w-what? He shouldn't be here! 

"N-NAGITO?!" I shouted out loud and fell down from the bed. "Ouch.." I didn't feel like lifting up. The floor was good enough as long as Nagito wasn't laying on it as well. "Hajime? A-are you alright?" Komaeda looked at me from above, his eyebrows furrowed in obvious concern. "Alright..?" I sighed irritated, while trying to calm down my anger. "Tell me.. How could I possibly be alright, huh?" I stood up massaging my back which still hurt a bit, because of the pretty unfortunate fall. "I was considerate enough to 'let' you to stalk me... but I don't recall agreeing to you sleep in my bed every fucking night!" I crossed my arms.

His behaviour made me feel unsure. For some reason he didn't seem sorry at all. Just the opposite; his lips were formed into a smirk. "Oh, really?~" he sat at the edge of my bed and started sliding his index finger down my chest. "Did you forget about our little bet?" something dangerous sparkled in his eyes. I gulped and started shaking. "Have you already forgotten what the prize was..?" he tilted his head innocently. "B-but..!" I stepped back getting away from him for a moment. "I recall agreeing only for a ONE night, I-I'm sure of it..!" I desperately tried to remember what had I agreed to. He stood up and pushed me against the wall. My back hit it painfully making me groan.

"Huh..? Are you trying to deceive me?" he whispered to my ear, his voice sounded way more excited than it should. I turned my head as much on the other side as I only could to not face him. There was something in his eyes that was making me feel vulnerable and powerless. He was scary.

"I-I.. uhm.. who knows, may--" he pinned me harder to the wall pressing his lips forcefully on mine. He bit into my lip making me gasp in pain. What made me want to talk back at him?! "S-STOP!! What the- mhhmm!" he smirked and kissed me deeply placing his knee dangerously close to my crotch. 

I started enjoying the kiss more than I should, so I shoved him away. Did it feel so good, because he was a good kisser or because of my already developing feelings towards him, or maybe.. both? I had no idea; I really didn't want to wonder about such things. 

 I wiped away some sweat from my face. "I am not deceiving you.. okay? S-so goddamn, calm down..!" I took a deeper breath.

There was a long silence, he was looking down sadly till he suddenly lifted up his head making puppy eyes. I frowned and crossed my arms.

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