Chapter 16

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"Nagito.. could you take a shower? Hugging with you doesn't feel very nice, when you're so sticky and sweaty." I smirked widely.

"O-oh... I am terribly sorry! How rude of me... I beg you for forgiveness. Hugging Hajime, while being covered in my and his fluids, how unrespectable. I'll get a shower straight away! Don't hate me, please.." I let him to stand up and observed carefully as he was brushing the hair away from his face.

"I was just teasing you a bit..." I blinked a few times in surprise and pursed my lips, "you don't need to apologize me for each and every-" he leaned forward kissing my forehead.

"I know. I just teased you back, dear. You need to start getting used to my teasing from now on. I won't go easier on you just because you're my boyfriend, understood?~" I needed to admit that smirk suited well to him, it was suiting him the most. And anyway, I loved being handled that way, I wouldn't let him know it easily, though.

"M-My ass!" I blushed slightly. "Who's your boyfriend? Because it isn't me as far as I'm concerned." the slight tint on my cheeks faded away. I smiled teasingly and turned on my back, occupying all the available space on the couch.

After a while I added, "Get that shower, baby. I'm waiting..~" I said it only because I wanted to see what kind of face would he make, if I called him like that. His cheeks flushed brightly, he surely wasn't expecting such words from me.

"U-ughh.. if you keep seducing me like this, you'll need another shower sooner than you think, Hajime." he giggled and lifted my chin up. His lips barely brushed against mine.

"J-just go already.." the blush reappeared on my tanned cheeks. He made me go back with my thoughts to our first time and it was clearly visible on my face. He licked his lips and kissed me softly.

"Fine, fine.. you can go to my bed first, if you want that is." he patted my hair. "Because... you are staying here for the night, right..?" he asked me hesitantly.

"Yeah.. I guess I am." I shrugged and smiled warmly at him.

He smiled back and I swear that his eyes were glossy from the incoming tears. "I'm glad then." he said and headed to the bathroom.

After he'd left the room, I yawned and went to his bedroom. I looked at the bed with aftertaste of embarrassment; it was in such a mess. I sighed and changed the sheets swiftly. I undressed myself, keeping only my briefs on. I quickly got under the sheets and hummed happily enjoying the feeling of being enveloped with the fresh new, warm sheets.

Soon I fell asleep. After what had felt like just a minute, Nagito joined me. I cuddled up to him and let myself to drift away.

Komaeda's POV

Soft morning sunrays were pouring into the bedroom and after some time they woke me up. I yawned and looked at the adorable brunette next to me, "Good morning, Hajime~" I kissed him tenderly on his lips, but he didn't react anyhow, so I concluded that he hadn't waken up yet. "I wish you could see how sweet you look, when you're asleep.." I wiped away a trickle of saliva that was running down from his soft, parted lips.

"Hmmm..." I reached down with my hand on the floor and grabbed my phone. "I can't waste such a beautiful view, can I?" I giggled quietly and took a photo.

I was really proud of it. I managed to take it from a very good angle, and Hinata looked just gorgeous on it (not that he didn't look gorgeous every day); he was hugging the sheets tightly, you could see some of his exposed chest which seemed as if it was shining, gleaming.. the view was just perfect. His dark hair was a bit messy, but it only added him more charm. He looked way younger on the photo as well.. as if he was still attending high school.

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