a/n: The end?

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I'm sorry to disappoint some of you but I don't I feel any motivation nor inspiration to continue writing my current stories. I also kind of lost interest in the ship ;w;-- I really do appreciate all of your support tho <3 I think that so far I gained the most support in here and seeing so many ppl being interested in my stories was making me really happy. So.. thank you.

It was my dream in the past to create a story which lots of ppl would enjoy and it came true thanks to all my readers. Honestly, I'm surprised till now that I actually can write something decent xD 

I may write a last final chapter for this fanfic as a thanks to all the ppl who took their time to read my stories and eventually will finish updating my Irrational fanfic as well. About the Absent Student one.. I may take my time to finish it but it's my fav fanfic from all I created so far and I still feel like giving it a proper continuation. I mean, I can't get bored of writing about mysteries and detective stuff >w< 

Maybe one day I'll create a new story with Original Characters. But that may take years even since for now I want to focus on different things. 

Finally, I want to say a special thanks to my gf @HorizonTraveller since she has been supporting me the most and I'm beyond happy to have met her thanks to this story. 

See you in the last update! 

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