Chapter 3

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I woke up quite fast, since the stalker had broken in probably around 3am. I went to the kitchen and made a toast for myself. 

His soft, melodic voice surely made a big impression on me. I thought, while chewing it in silence. I'd lie, if I said that I didn't like the voice. I frowned. Though.. I won't let him do as he pleases, just because I like hearing it. This night is the last one when he could do whatever he wanted to.

I decided to ask Souda for some advice, because I felt that I couldn't deal with him on my own anymore.

Hinata: hey..

I dressed up in the meantime. I hadn't waited too long till he wrote my back.

Souda: Sup dude? Something's on your mind once again..?

I laughed sadly and typed a message quickly.

Hinata: Yeah.. kinda. The stalker broke into my house last night and they...

I suddenly felt unsure. Is it a good idea to tell him about it? I felt that keeping it in, would only make me nuts. Just when I gathered enough courage to tell him, I received his text.

Souda: Don't tell me-

Souda: were you raped or something? D:

"Argghhhhh...." I felt ultimately annoyed. "I try here to open up before my only friend and this is his answer on my brave act..? Making fun of me?" I sighed.

Hinata: Hahaha.... AS IF.

Hinata: Forget about it...

I recieved a few more messages from him, but I didn't feel like reading them anymore. I threw the phone on the couch and followed my phone, landing softly on the furniture. I lost all the willing to talk with anyone about the stalker. I decided to take care about that issue on my own from now on. I didn't care if it was dangerous or not.

Even though I said "take care" I didn't plan to do anything particular about it. As long as he won't do anything really messed up, I'll endure it.

And so day after day was passing. Every day was damn freaky, even if the stalker didn't appear. I felt unsafe and couldn't get much sleep. One day I noticed a vase with some beautiful flowers. I obviously wasn't the one who placed it there. The flowers were cute and smelled very nice, but it still was creeping me out. That guy can come in and out of my house as if my lock didn't exist... I felt really cold all of sudden.

After a few more days, I realized that the flowers always were always fresh. I-is he.. bringing them here every each night? Why? Why flowers? Why is he bringing them to someone like me? W-what is wrong with him... I brushed my fingers through the petals and blushed sheepishly. The flowers aren't at fault, so admiring them isn't that bad.. right?

I realized that there was a scrap of paper under the vase. It said:

"I hope you like the flowers"

I frowned and sighed. Why can't that guy just face me and talk with me like a normal person? Why does he need to be such a creep..? I mean- A smile crept over my lips, while I was looking at the flowers. He doesn't seem like a bad person? Maybe.. probably. My smile twitched nervously.

Day later I got a text from my friend and this time I read it. 

Souda: Dude, are you still alive? I hope the stalker didn't kill you... 

Souda: Please dont be mad.. Hajimeee 

An unpleased sigh left my lips. I kind of still was sulking, because of that joke of his. As if I would ever let anyone to rape me, you idiot! I'm not some frail, vulnerable girl..

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