Chapter 23

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Hinata's POV

It was 5am, 2 hours before I had to show up at Komaeda's place so we could go together to the café from where the bus would take us on the trip. I was looking at an empty bag with tired, sleepy eyes of a person who visibly wanted to stay in the bed and not be doing whatever they needed to do. I had no idea what should I take with me for the trip, honestly. How these kind of trips work anyway? I scratched my cheek and tilted my head trying to think of at least one necessary thing to pack. Well.. probably just a sleeping bag and clothes would be fine? I didn't want to embarrass myself before Komaeda but I didn't want to waste more time on thinking about that crap so in the end calling him sounded like the best thing I could do.

I looked around for my phone and soon found it hidden under my pillow for a reason which I didn't remember at all. I called him and while waiting for him to pick up the call I wondered how to ask him about the issue so that he wouldn't take me for an idiot..

"Komaeda?" I asked. "Hajime, good morning! Thank you for calling me~" he said with his usual cheerful voice. I sensed something more in his voice though. He seemed really excited and the reason was probably the trip. "Don't tell me.. have you not gone to sleep because you were too excited about the trip?" I asked both out of curiosity and for the reason that his voice was giving it off. "No, of course not!" just when I thought I was wrong about that, he said "I slept an hour or two.." he said flatly. "or half an hour..? I'm not really sure, haha. But I'm completely fine!!" his voice appeared overly energetic for a person who stayed up in the night.

"That's not a sleep, idiot, that's a fucking nap." I sighed. "Don't think I'll let you to sleep on my shoulder when we'll be in the bus, deal with it yourself." It's not like I would mind that but I was still angry that he sneakily made me agree to that idea of his. Well, it was technically my idea but knowing him, it was all his damn plan.

"Awww, Hajime is so caring!" I could hear him kissing the phone which quite scared me at first but then made me kind of happy. "I'll sleep on your thighs then, hehe." his laugh surely was the one of a creep. "W-wait! That's out of question too..!" I opposed and pouted but soon gave in. I couldn't be salty at him for too long.. I wouldn't bare to see him half awake and lacking sleep. "Fine.." I could hear him being happy about me agreeing. "but in return, please don't do anything weird on the trip, okay?" I asked him since I was honestly worried about it.

"Specify weird? I don't really follow.." a silence followed his question. I wasn't really sure how to put it in other words. "Ehh.. don't embarrass me there, please? Pinky promise?" I asked desperately hoping he'd be respectful of my feelings at least this one time. I like him but.. since the day we've met he never even once tried to show me some respect. I know he just is this kind of person who does whatever he fucking wants and I got used to that but it doesn't mean I'll quietly agree to anything he'll come up with. "Aww... but I love doing that. You don't like it..?" he sobbed. I took a moment to think about it. "It's.. not like I hate it, y'know, but I simply don't trust you." It wasn't like I didn't trust him at all but when it came to our relationship he more than often ended up being forceful with his overwhelming desires not thinking if I wanted the same and I couldn't stand it. I didn't hate those moments, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't okay with him taking control away from my live.

"O-okay. I promise, you can trust me..! I won't let you down!" he said determined. It made me feel really happy to hear that and a bit more at ease. He could act like a jerk and think only about his own feelings but this time it seemed like he actually was going to listen to me. It made me trust him a little bit more. Now I just had to hope he'd keep his word and wait and see if he could act accordingly to it. "I sure do hope so, Komaeda." Wait. I feel like I called him not just to chat with him.. I spaced out. Ehh, I guess it wasn't important. "I'll end the call then, see you!" soon after I ended the call I remembered what did I want to ask him about.

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