Chapter 11

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- a few days later -

Over those few days, I was visiting the cafe every each day. And so visiting it became my new habit through the next two weeks. I always sat before the same table, rested my chin on it and looked as Nagito was making coffee, serving some orders, smiling to others, talking to them and brushing his hands through the white locks on his head. I missed him. I wanted his attention.

Whenever some girls started acting all flirty around him, I wanted to butt in and say to fuck off from him. I didn't know when exactly I acknowledged that I might hold some feelings for Nagito, but at that point I didn't care about it.

I looked through the window. It was a bit after noon, when I went into the cafe, but now it was almost night. I couldn't believe that I had spent so much time in there. I felt ashamed.

Suddenly I saw Nagito in his normal, casual clothes waving at his workmate and saying some goodbyes. That was when I came up with some fucked up idea to track him to see where he lived. I - Hajime Hinata - was stalking my stalker. Pretty ironic, isn't it?

I tried to keep some distance between us, but what was kind of reliving, Nagito didn't turn in my way even once. That means I'm safe.. most likely? Hehe.. I didn't have much time left for thinking though, because he suddenly approached some house. The building wasn't big, it was rather a small flat. I waited around five minutes, after he had closed the door. As soon as I thought that some decent amount of time had passed, I knocked on it softly.

The door opened slightly. "Who's there..?" it was nice to hear his voice directed to me once again. I didn't feel that nervous, till now. I wondered what the fuck I was even doing there, but it was a bit too late to turn back. "I-it's Hajime! I-I uhh.." the door opened wider revealing more of Nagito. I looked into his eyes seeking for some warmness in them, however I met only with disappointment when I gazed into them; they were rather cold and distant, it definitely wasn't what I had expected. He crossed his arms over his chest and rested his back on the doorframe.

"Y-you haven't.. stal-" I bit my tongue, "visited me for a while, so I wanted to check if you're fine.." I saw a hint of smile on Nagito's face which made me blush. I made a few steps backwards and started turning back. "B-but I see that you're okay, so I'm going ba-" he grabbed me by my collar and pulled inside his house. I groaned and looked nervously on sides, "Oh..." he closed the door loudly and locked it on a few locks. I started sweating. "N-Nagito..?" he pushed me against a wall.

I closed my eyes tightly expecting him to do something painful or violent to me.. but he didn't. He just put his hand on my hair and patted it. "Hello, Hajime.. I missed you." he suddenly pulled me into a warm loving hug. "H-huh? You 'missed me'?! You left me alone for almost three fucking weeks and now you say that you mi-" he placed his lips onto mine making me unable to express my anger. The kiss was soft and not forceful, so I could push him away, but I didn't do it. I didn't want to. I in some way craved for his touch, so instead of pushing him away I shyly wrapped my hands around his back pressing him closer to me which made him to smile against my lips.

I was shaken, when I realized that some tears started running down my face. He must've felt them too, because he pulled away from me and wiped them away. "Shhh.. don't cry." he looked at me sadly. I chuckled. "Y-you know that you're crying too, right?" he tilted his head puzzled. "O-oh.." he smiled lovingly at me, "I'm just really happy to see you once again." he sank his hand into my hair brushing his fingers caringly through it.

"...really?" I frowned and pursed my lips. "You are?" I said cynically. "I am, Hajime..! You don't know how hard those three weeks were for me. You don't know how much I needed to restrain myself and how much pain it was causing me..." I frowned deeply. "What..? Restrain? For what reason exactly..?" I laughed a bit, since it seemed a bit farfetched to me.

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