Chapter 6

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I was woken up by a wet sensation on my cheek. My eyes opened widely. "Oh, you're awake, my love~" Komaeda giggled creepily. He was standing next to my bed and leaning above me. "Don't call me like that.." I said with an aftertaste of disgust. "I brought something for you, my-" he bit his lip. "Hajime." he smiled happily at me, when our gazes met. "As always.." I sighed. He chuckled, "You will like it, I promise." I raised one brow suspiciously. "Oh, really..?" I said salty and turned on other side, I was tired of his presents. Why is he willing to waste his money on me anyway?

He placed a bottle with some orange liquid in it before my eyes. "It was kind of because of me that you couldn't drink it.. I'm sorry." he seemed like if he really was sorry about it. I wondered why. I sat up and took the bottle from his hands. "Huh.. well, thanks." I scratched my cheek with a finger awkwardly. "Wait- because of you? What did you do exactly..?" I frowned. "Oh well.." he smiled mischievously, "I just asked a one certain waitress to bring you the order and that's pretty much all I did~" I got out from under the sheets placing the bottle on the table next to the sofa.

"Wait.. are you trying to say that it all happened, because of you..?" I asked unsurely. 

Komaeda grinned evilly. "Oh, was I found out?~" he said while cupping my chin and placing his knee between my legs. "H-hey, what do you think you're doing?!" I looked straight into his eyes to show him that I was more than just annoyed, but he read my clear signal to back off as an invitation. I placed my hands over his chest to push him away, but no matter how much force I put into the push, he didn't move further than an inch or two. I frowned angrily. Although I was angry that he didn't move, I was more like scared. If I couldn't make him move I practically was on his mercy.

I gulped nervously, while he leaned closer to me. His lips were too close to mine. "W-why did you do such a thing?" I tried to deconcentrate him from me. I was scared of him getting even closer. I don't want it! H-his touch feels weird and.. for fuck's sake! He's a stalker! I can't let him.. No! I-I won't let him to continue it. 

"Hmmm.." he leaned back from me and placed a finger on his lips while looking up. "I wonder.. maybe because of the sad puppy eyes that you had on your face back then..?" he grabbed the back of my neck softly.

"I-I didn't make any puppy eyes back then, not even once..?" I blushed slightly, while frowning more. "Oh, you definitely did and not just once! You were making them since you went into my cafe, Hajime. You looked really troubled and uncomfortable.. but it's understandable. Being a third wheel must've been a sad thing.." he patted my hair gently, while looking at me with understanding. "..." my eyes widened. "H-how did you know how I felt?! That's crazy..!" I somehow felt transparent. I didn't like it, especially since it was Komaeda who saw through me.

Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug. "I love you, Hajime.. I can see when you're sad." he kissed my cheek lovingly. I pushed Komaeda away. "I-I... don't believe that whole story. How did you know that the waitress would spill the drink on me..? I hope you won't say that you were 'just luck' or something as crazy as that.." I laughed awkwardly, but soon stopped as I realized that Komaeda was tilting his head in surprise and confusion. "That's actually true. It was a pure luck~ How did you know?" I'd let my mind to process it, before I spoke once again.

"..she could spill the coffee on me!! I was in danger because of you!" I pushed him away harder. His leg left the uncomfortable for me place making me sigh in relief. He seemed sad that I did it, but I didn't care. At least I thought that I didn't care. He literally violates my privacy. I shouldn't feel sorry for him.. "And anyways.. it's NOT possible that everything happened just as you wanted." I looked at him suspiciously.

"But it is, Hajime! I'm lucky. That's my talent.. my only talent actually." he chuckled sadly. "I don't believe you." I said firmly, while looking away from him. 

"Do you want to have a bet then?" he smiled innocently. I didn't look convinced.

"If you don't want to believe me, we should just test it, right?~" he tilted his head, "Are you up to it..?" his question seemed rather innocent; I didn't sense any trap. 

I sighed. "Well.. it's not like I care. Lucky or not.. you still are a creep." I shrugged. "Hmmm.. then.. if you win the bet, I won't be stalking you anymore." he smiled sadly at me. Probably just thinking about it was making him sad.. weird guy. Why did he get so attached to me..?

"The bet will be easy. I'll give you some advantage, since 50/50 chances are boring." he giggled. Komaeda's eyes wandered around the room and then suddenly he went somewhere. After a minute he came back with a one simple cube. "Let's bet if I can throw six three times in a row with this dice, are you fine with it?" he sat comfortably on the couch before the table. I stood beside him.

I thought for a moment, before nodding. "Okay.. I think I'm fine with this bet. What will happen, if you win..?" I asked hesitantly. An excited smile showed up on his face. "You'll let me to sleep with you in your bed." he smirked.

I shivered. I can finally be free from him... it's not like it's possible to throw same thing three times in a row.. It's way more possible, that I will win the bet. "O-okay.." I gulped nervously as I saw Komaeda lifting the dice up, mixing it in his two hands and letting it go without any hesitation. The dice was rolling for a moment before landing in the way that number six was on the top.

Oh well.. that was just a one time. I don't need to feel worried, do I? I mean- luck can't be a skill. Pffft, it can't be real.. Komaeda wasn't even focused on throwing, he didn't seem scared that he actually could lose the bet. "Are you ready, Hajime?" I nodded. He threw the dice. Once again it showed number six. I cursed under my nose. "W-what the hell.." I started feeling really nervous. "Okay.. time for the last throw~" Komaeda hummed. He seemed to be enjoying the bet more than he should.

I looked at the dice as it stopped rolling. "Six for the third time?!?! That is not possible, what the fuck-" Komaeda's lips turned into a cheerful smile. "I told you, I'm just lucky~" he brushed his fingers sheepishly through his hair. "Th-that's seriously fucked up..." my cheeks heated up, because I realized that thanks to my disbelieve I had to let him sleep with me.

"That's just how it is, Hajime." he chuckled happily. 

"Wait- maybe you've cheated somehow... " I looked suspiciously at the smiling innocently Komaeda, picked up the dice angrily and rolled it. The dice showed number one. I threw it a few more times, but I realized that there wasn't any possibility for him to cheat. I gulped nervously and looked down in defeat. "O-okay.. I believe you, you lucky bastard." I pouted.

I laid down in my bed. I found myself shivering when he laid next to me. I turned back to him to not see him and hid myself under bed covers. "Y-you can sleep here, but DON'T dare to lie a finger on me. Have I made myself clear?" my voice was muffled, because I cuddled my face into a pillow, while saying it. 

"Oh, I understand.." he said with disappointment. But he still somehow sounded happy, he was humming cheerfully and looking at me. Although I didn't see him, I could be sure of it. I could feel his piercing stare on me. Please, I beg you.. close your damn eyes already. I don't want you to look at me through all the night. That would be creepy. But what am I even expecting from you? Y-you probably always just look at me.. I shivered more and sighed.

I found myself being a bit excited, despite feeling scared. Dealing with this guy is surely.. interesting. Spending time with him is everything, but boring. I smiled unconsciously. My feelings toward him were changing slowly with time. Firstly, I was only afraid of him and feeling disgust whenever I saw his shadow or felt his presence. Then, I started feeling curious why that person chose me.. and finally I found myself looking forward spending time with him. I still feared him, but I didn't hate that feeling that much. Every day seemed to be special and different thanks to Komaeda.

It didn't take me much to fall asleep. His humming somehow helped me to feel relaxed and nice.


a/n: Thank you for reading my story so far <3 This chapter wasn't very exicting, but I assure you; the future ones will be better! (in my opinion) I appreciate voting for my humble story :3 

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