Chapter 15

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Showering took me way longer than I had expected, since I found a sleeping Nagito on the couch. He was still wearing only his underwear. I approached him quietly; he looked really peaceful and delicate. Waking him up seemed like a sin, so in the end I just sat next to him softly, even overmuch careful to not wake him up with any of my movements.

Although firstly I had no desire to wake him up, I funnily found myself desperately holding back from doing it a while later. I often was reaching my hand towards his shoulders to give him a slight, friendly shake, but his peaceful expression was stopping my every attempt.

As soon as I realized that he wasn't going to wake up soon, I quickly became bored of sitting and doing literally nothing, so my eyes started seeking for anything that could entertain me at least a slight bit. I eventually noticed a small scrap of paper and a pen. Feeling that it's my only way of stopping my incoming death out of boredom, I grabbed them and stared scribbling something. I didn't plan to draw him, but I didn't see anything nicer to draw around. I could technically try drawing out of my imagination, but it was out of the question; my imagination was literally shit.

I was drawing through an hour or so, because it was surprisingly pretty enjoyable, plainly relaxing and.. somehow I felt excited to draw him half naked.

Despite that it felt a bit wrong.

Honestly, I hoped he wouldn't find out that I was sketching him, especially since I wasn't really nailing the drawing.

As soon as I finished my 'masterpiece' I sighed. It looked really bad, it didn't surprise me though. Everything I did was turning into a disaster or just looked plain or bad, as expected from a talentless human being like me. I was about to destroy my work, when suddenly Nagito murmured something with a sleepy voice, "Ha.. Hajime..." he yawned and lifted his hand up sliding in down my cheek. "What time is it..? I'm terribly sorry for falling asleep and causing you a problem." he smiled sheepishly. "You could've just wake me up.."

"It's.. around 1am, so don't be sorry for falling asleep, okay? It's totally fine.." I comforted him by patting his hair.

"If you say so.." he smiled and placed his head onto my lap. Shivers went down my spine as he did that. "Would it be fine with you, if I laid like this for a while? I mean.. who am I to use your lap as a pillow, I don't deserve such an honour. Especially not after what I did to you.. even though you said that it was fine, I still feel that I-I.. took advantage of you. I am a filthy criminalist, a stalker that has no right to be next to you, a piece of trash that should keep its distance from you in order to not dirty you with its impure desires and-" I pinched his cheek.

"Damn, Nagito.. you talk WAY too much, just shut up and keep sleeping, okay?" I chuckled and rested my head on the couch looking up at the ceiling.

He nodded silently. After a minute or two I started drifting away. I would fall asleep, if Nagito didn't hum softly bringing me back to my senses.

"Awwww, this is so cute, Hajime!" I quickly opened my eyes. Cute? What's cute? I slapped my cheeks softly in order to keep myself awake and conscious. I looked down at Nagito, he was holding the piece of paper on which I had been scribbling before. "I-I didn't know that you can draw so well.. I feel honored that you drew someone like me..! And oh.. you were so detailed.. you even included m-my..." he coughed, "nipples and my underwear.. I feel kind of embarrassed, but it looks really well.. ahh.." he blushed and avoided looking at me, "Hajime.. can I keep your drawing?" he hid behind the paper.

My face heated up, and heart started beating louder, "U-ughh.. I didn't want you to see it. I was bored and you looked so beautiful in your sleep, so I kind of.. just drew you. But don't say that it looks great, please. Believe me, you look way more beautiful in real life, my drawing is barely showing off how pretty you-" I bit my tongue, feeling that I slowly was losing control over my feelings and the things I was saying. "S-shit...." I laughed nervously. "It's late, okay? I'm just telling nonsense. Ignore what I said.." I played with my hair awkwardly like a sulking kid would.

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