Chapter 14

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a/n: Uhm.. I swear I am a normal person in real life, not a perv xD I hope.. this kind of development of the story isn't that bad haha *gulps nervously* I'm such a sinful writer... however I don't regret anything- (should I though? Bc I'm not sure ;w;)

"Now then.." he kissed the tip of my dick. "I can't make you wait, can I? That would be a disrespect to keep you away from the fun part.." his innocent voice made me feel puzzled. I-is he really going to do what I think he will..? Or is he just messing with me? I frowned, my heartbeat quickened. "You leak so much precum already.. hah.. Hajime. You're such a dirty boy~" he collected all of it with his tongue, while saying it.

"You keep telling me that you don't want it, but your body doesn't seem to agree with you... how cute." he huffed. His tongue was licking my dick and coating it with his salvia. A shaky breath left my lips. I felt as if he was mocking me. "You're evil.." I sobbed and heard a chuckle in answer which only deepened my frustration. "But you love it, when I'm like this to you, don't you?" his voice sounded rather sweet, but it had a hint of something eerie which was sending shivers throughout my body. My face darkened even though it still was in heat. "Y-you're wrong.. ahh.." I felt something warm and wet and.. delicate around my swollen lower part. I gasped. It felt better than I had expected it to feel, so for a while I couldn't gather up my thoughts. "..why do you have to show me your feelings in such a creepy way..?" I lifted my head up, a trickle of saliva run down from my lips.

His mouth felt so fucking good. I felt a bit disappointed that I couldn't take a look at him sucking me off. I wondered what kind of expression he had on his pale, beautiful face. "N-Nagi-!" I was about to thrust myself deeper into his mouth, but he leaned back the exact moment making me feel literally desperate for more. I let out a soft whimper, my heart was beating like crazy, "H-huh..?" I felt disorientated. "Why.. why'd you stop?" I asked hesitantly honestly fearing the answer I could've gotten.

"Ahh.. I thought you wanted me to stop, Hajime." he said plainly, I couldn't sense any deeper emotion in his voice. "You aren't desperate for a trash like me after all, riiight?" his finger teased the skin of my throbbing dick, I cursed quietly. "Ahh, damn you, Nagito! Doing so far a-and then not letting me to come, that's just cruel.." I bit my lip, barely holding back from moaning as he gently and painfully slowly stroke my cock. "Th-that's such.. a dick move, ahh.." he suddenly stopped completely.

"I'll give you everything you want, if you only beg me for it~" he said playfully. "I won't ever beg you..!" I objected, feeling that somehow it'd hurt my pride as a man.

His voice became uninterested all of sudden, "Oh, really..? I shall leave you alone then.. you don't need my help after all, am I right?" the bed creaked a bit as he moved. I groaned feeling that I'd soon do something that I'd deeply regret. I blindly reached my hand up trying to grab him by anything; I ended up grabbing him by his white locks and pulling him down. "Don't go.. d-don't be like that, Nagito... I don't know what the fuck is going on inside your head, but at least take the responsibility for putting me in such a state." I pouted and heard as Nagito chuckled happily, he surely was pleased with the words I had said. 

His hand sank into my hair and gently brush through it; it was quite a nice feeling, almost romantic. But then.. I felt something unexpected. Nagito's fingers slid under the tie, with which I was blindfolded, and took it off. What I saw made the blood to rush to my cheeks immediately. The way he was looking at me through those half-lidded eyes was far more than seductive. It was something out of this world, no one has ever looked at me like that in my whole life.

"Of course..~" he breathed heavily against my stomach. "Do you feel good?" he asked like a curious child. I smiled weakly, blush started to grow red on my tanned face. "Well... h-how could I not feel good? You're my.. k-kind of... first sexual experience.." I looked away frustrated.

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