Chapter 10

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Third person's POV

Komaeda was resting his back on the bedroom's door and carefully listening to the sounds which were coming out of it. He felt like a creep, but he couldn't stop his desire to overhear every little sound that was leaving Hajime's mouth. Soon he heard some muffled moans which made his legs to feel weaker than ever before. His cheeks heated up, but he did his best to not lose his control.

Suddenly his moans became louder, he could even hear some gasps and even his own name being moaned almost shamefully. "K-Komaeda.." he firstly thought that he just misheard Hajime, but when he heard his name being said over and over and over again he had no other option, but believe.

D-does he.. think about me while doing it? Does it mean that he loves me too..? he placed his hand over his mouth to muffle sobbing sounds. He was happy although.. happy didn't describe his feelings well enough. He thought that Hajime, would've never fallen for someone like him. That it was plainly impossible. He wanted Hajime to love him, he was trying his best to make him fall for his miserable self, but he doubt his efforts would ever give any wanted results.. Could he be wrong? Or couldn't he..? It was hard to say, since Hajime wasn't honest not only with Nagito, but also with his own self. That was what he thought at least; it was just his humble opinion which was quite supported with some evidence.. but still.

Following moans were only assuring him in his assumptions. He quickly left the house, while trying to not make any sound. Truth to be told he didn't want to leave, he wanted to join in to whatever his object of interest was doing, he'd give him a bit of help with pleasure.. but if he stayed there any longer, he probably would do something that could ruin the prefect occasion he got to make Hinata fall in love with him. To make him unable to reject him. 

He had in his mind quite a good plan and he just needed some time to make it happen.


Hinata's POV

I woke up around noon. I was trying to not think about me shamelessly jerking off, while thinking about Nagito. I was glad that he hadn't been there. Believe me, I really was. I wouldn't be able to look him straight in the face afterwards. And doing such a thing without him realizing would be plainly not possible.. 

I took out the bottle of orange juice from the fridge and quickly drank some of it. I needed to calm down and it helped me to clear my mind a bit. J-just because I.. had a dream about him and then.. w-well- doesn't mean that I've fallen for him. I don't know what's wrong with me, but it's definitely not love! I stared choking with the drink. My cheeks tinted with some really bright pink.

I fixed my shirt a bit and tried to come back to my normal self, after all I needed to go to my work soon and I definitely didn't want anyone to see me like that.

On my way to job and on the way back home I had a weird feeling that something is not quite right. I didn't see any suspicious shadows nor felt anyone's presence. I didn't give it much thought though. I was actually kind of glad. I could finally rest in peace.

And so.. a day, two days.. a whole week had passed. Still no sign of the stalker. I started getting worried. What if something bad has happened to him? Could he have some kind of an accident..? I not only was worried, but somehow I missed him. Days seem to pass slower, when he isn't next to me. Not only this. He always manages to brighten up my days and make my life more exciting. 

At that exact moment I realized that I didn't know a damn thing about him. Which wasn't theoretically surprising, but still.. was quite sad. That was exactly when the feeling of wanting to know him better filled my whole heart to such degree that it became unstoppable and even disturbing.

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